Chapter 128: A Dinner With Roommates, Yao Jiamu's Subverted World Views

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The room was suddenly plunged into silence. Xu Jing had been focusing on penning her article, but the sound of Bai Xinran hitting the floor made her pause and look over to see the girl that had always been so focused on maintaining on her image sitting on the floor, her hair a mess.

Taken off guard by the sight, Xu Jing looked over to Gu Xiqiao to see the other girl standing in front of Bai Xinran with a pissed off expression, her brows furrowed as she looked down at the girl on the floor with a piercing glare, and it was the first time Xu Jing had seen her like this.

Sun Jiajia who was booting up her laptop to play a game paused too and looked over to see Bai Xinran holding herself up with the bed, her veins popping from anger.

Gu Xiqiao was looking down at Bai Xinran with a strong aura, and even though she wasn’t the one who Gu Xiqiao’s anger was directed at, she could still feel the pressure that emanated off of the unassuming girl. As she listened to what Gu Xiqiao said, Sun Jiajia couldn’t help but shrink back, surprised that the girl that always seemed so unbothered by everything would be so scary when she was angry.

After a moment, of silence, Xu Jing stood up and handed Gu Xiqiao a towel. “Dry your hair, hm? It’s dripping with water.”

Gu Xiqiao glanced over at the towel before her aura changed again as she accepted it, placing Xixi onto her desk and drying her hair.

Humiliated, Bai Xinran glared at Gu Xiqiao again before tidying herself up and storming out of the room with her bag.


The door was slammed shut with such force that the windows rattled.

Sun Jiajia immediately turned her head around and marched off to the bathroom to take a shower before hiding onto her bunk and drawing the curtains around it before finally breathing a sigh of relief. The sight of Gu Xiqiao fury from earlier was too terrifying for her, and she couldn’t shake those eyes that were filled with an oppressing aura.

How could such a thin person chuck someone that was more than ten pounds heavier than her away like that? Was she a monster?

Gu Xiqiao didn’t think that much of it after that and sat back at the table where Xiao Yun and Wu Hongwen had been messaging her to come back to play. She clicked a few buttons and their party went to another dungeon before she saw Xixi that was acting dead on the table.

Xixi shrugged and looked around at the room sheepishly, not daring to stare Gu Xiqiao in the eye.

Gu Xiqiao looked at it for a few moments before muttering, “Stupid.”

Xixi pitifully chirped back in response. It wasn’t stupid! It just wanted attention from Gu Xiqiao!

“Do this again, and you get out of my sight immediately.” Gu Xiqiao told it with a warning tone.

Bai Xinran was just a normal human, and even ten of her couldn’t hurt a feather on Xixi, but not only did she grab it, but she almost pinched it to death. Gu Xiqiao knew that Xixi was acting weak, but she still couldn’t control herself when she grabbed Bai Xinran and shoved her away, and judging from how much force she had put in there, she wouldn’t be able to heal under two weeks, and the doctors wouldn’t even know what was wrong with her!

She wouldn’t have treated Bai Xinran like that had the latter not gotten in trouble with her in the first place—They were roommates after all, so things really didn’t need to get that way, but now that she had taught Bai Xinran a lesson, she felt much better.

When bedtime came around, her phone vibrated slightly, and Gu Xiqiao switched it on to see a message from Xu Jing.

Xu Jing: Beauty Gu, you shouldn’t have blown up at her, you know? Bai Xinran is from the Bai family, so you might get in trouble…

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