Chapter 101: Proposal

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The town was not that big, and Gu Xiqiao took Shi Tou to circle around the place a few times. She bought a lot of things—a crutch for Aunt Liu, cigarettes for the village chief, a radio for the grandpa next door, a game console for Shi Tou… everything that you could think of, she had bought it.

 It was quite late in the day for this trip, so Gu Xiqiao took Shi Tou to eat the beef noodles that he had always wanted to eat.

 Just when they finished eating, a beautiful woman was making her way down the streets. She was wearing a western-style dress and her hair was dyed maroon red with wavy curls gently falling on her back. There was light but exquisite makeup on her face, and she was holding a parasol in her hands, her entire person looking very fashionable. All the heads were turning to look at her as she walked on the street.

 “Gu Xiqiao?” The woman said, slowing her steps as she came to a stop, “Why are you here?”

 She deliberately dragged her words when she spoke, and her voice was piercing. Gu Xiqiao couldn’t help but rub her aching ears, and had to squint her eyes due to the glaring sunlight to look at the woman. The face was extremely familiar, however she couldn’t seem to recall who it was.

 “Hello, Sister Jia Wei,” Shi Tou greeted, and Gu Xiqiao immediately recalled who it was—the mayor’s daughter.

 There was only one middle school in this town, so the both of them had studied in the same school. Gu Xiqiao wasn’t sure when she had wronged her, but Jia Wei had always not gotten along with her. However, those were back in their younger days.

 “It’s been a while,” Gu Xiqiao smiled as she greeted her.

 Her smile was bright and dazzling under the scorching sun, and even though Jia Wei was a woman, she was momentarily captivated by her beauty. However, it only lasted for a second before her face darkened, and she snorted coldly. “Didn’t you go to the city to climb higher? What, have you crawled back here after getting bullied?”

 “Thank you for your concern, I’m doing fine.”

 It was like throwing a fist at cotton—she was completely unfazed. Didn’t she hear the mocking tone in her words? “Gu Xiqiao, is there something wrong with your brain?!”

 Gu Xiqiao’s smile didn’t falter, indicating that she was indifferent to her provoking words. Jia Wei seemed to lose interest in her then, stomping off in a huff after throwing her a last sneer.

 Shi Tou watched her leave, his eyes focused on her stiletto heels that were at least ten centimeters high. After a while, he turned to Gu Xiqiao with a serious expression. “I just realized, Sister Jia Wei is really short.”

 Jia Wei, who had yet to be out of earshot, stopped and turned around at that, leveling a glare at Shi Tou.


 “Alright, let’s head back now.” There was only one road that led to Baixing Village, and Gu Xiqiao led Shi Tou toward the intersection. The black Porsche that had been parked there was definitely standing out, children and other villagers would come around to look at it from time to time, as such luxury cars were rarely seen in town.

 Bao Xinyi had an unhappy expression on her face. “Su Wen, it’s frigging hot here, can’t we just leave first!”

 “Wait a while longer,” Su Wen said calmly as he played with his phone, “If you can’t stand the heat, you can always ride the bus back first.”

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