Chapter 96: You Might Meet A Miserable End!

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Xiqiao blinked in slight surprise, evidently not expecting to see her so quickly, and the frost on her face dissolved into a warm smile as she walked down the stairs. “Sister Mei.”

 “It’s great that you’re back!” Li Yanmei smiled before holding Gu Xiqiao’s arm naturally and leading her towards the entrance of the house. “Let’s go, I’ll go cook some noodles for you at my place!”

 Those clean eyes were filled with worry, and Gu Xiqiao obliged with her silent plea to leave so as to not worry her.

 After the two girls left, the two that were left on the second floor finally reacted. The girl shook herself free of the man’s hand, still quite angry. “What are you doing, Su Wen? That woman is a menace! Who is she, to chase us out like that?!”

 “Bao Xinyi, calm down, please.” Su Wen rubbed his head, his brows knit together. “Didn’t you hear? This is her house, and we moved in here without her permission. We’re the ones at fault here.”

 “We’re at fault?” Bao Xinyi scoffed. “Are you really planning on moving out? What a laugh!”

 Su Wen was quite frustrated with the current situation too. It was impossible for them to leave because Tang Qinghong would be the first to disagree after settling on this place, but at the same time, it was hard to look for a compromise with the owner of this house seeing that they had given her a bad first impression.

 Just from a few words, it was clear that she wasn’t the type to go back on her words easily.

 “What are you doing?” When he came to from his thoughts, he saw Bao Xinyi stomping on the door with her foot, and he held his head again at the headache that came onto him.

 Bao Xinyi looked at him with a disdainful expression. “What’s there to be surprised about? Now that she’s back, wouldn’t it be natural that she give this room to me? You’re such an imbecile, don’t you know that a girl from this backwater place would be able to be dismissed with some cash in her face?”

 After she spoke, she stomped on the door again, and this time, the force of her stomp was reflected onto her by an unseen force, and she fell onto the ground very ungracefully.

 Su Wen helped her up with a frown. “Are you alright? Don’t make a fuss, let’s wait for Young Master Tang.”

 He had thought that Bao Xinyi would definitely refute his words, but he was surprised at how she didn’t speak back after he suggested waiting for Tang Qinghong, making him cast another glance at her in confusion. It was then that he realized that her face had gone pale as a sheet as if she had just seen a ghost.


 Li Yanmei was Gu Xiqiao’s neighbor, so they got to the former’s house with only a few steps.

 After they walked out of Gu Xiqiao’s house, Li Yanmei’s expression became serious. “Thank goodness I got there in time, or else you might have gotten on the bad side of some big shots…”

 “Big shots?” Gu Xiqiao didn’t even need to think to know that she was talking about the two that had moved into her house like a bunch of cuckoo birds.

 “The three that are living in your house now, I mean.” Li Yanmei spoke carefully, her voice becoming a whisper as she did as if she were scared of anyone listening in. “The town mayor brought them here himself, and apparently these people from the Imperial Capital with high officials in their family. The village chief couldn’t refuse, and the only room he could keep from them from was your room. You acted too rashly just now! These people can crush us like ants with a single finger, so you better not get into any trouble with them. You can stay at my place until they move away, okay?”

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