Chapter 164: Don't You Regret This!

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“How elusive.” Xiao Yun’s gaze towards Gu Xiqiao was filled with discontent. “So you’re finally satisfied playing around in N City?”

She had never seen a college student living as leisurely as Gu Xiqiao was currently. Even Wu Hongwen was busy with his club and the student council.

“What are you talking about? N City? That’s like ages ago, no?” Gu Xiqiao scanned the faces of the crew members around them.

Because of Gu Xiqiao’s unannounced appearance, Xiao Yun gave Xiao Le a look, telling her to not call Xiang Kun’s phone for now. This wasn’t a big deal; she didn’t want Gu Xiqiao to worry about her own concerns.

Xiao Yun passed a bottle of water provided by the crew members over to Gu Xiqiao.

“Why are you here today?” she asked.

She recalled Gu Xiqiao telling her that she would come to visit her a couple of days later.

“Well, I went to school today. Since your school’s pretty near mine, I figured I should pay you a short visit.” Gu Xiqiao twisted the bottle cap open and thanked Xiao Yun for her generosity before chugging the water down. Her mouth was parched after giving that lengthy speech on stage.

Xiao Yun nodded. She took what Gu Xiqiao said at face value. That was until she received a call from Wu Hongwen that night. It was only then that she realized Gu Xiqiao had muddied up the clear pond that was the international medical community. Renowned medical scholars from every corner of the globe were all rushing towards China in search of a new opportunity.

Gu Xiqiao downed the entire bottle of water in one go.

“Slow down. Is this the first sip of water you’ve ever taken in your life, jeez.” Xiao Yun looked down at her belly, scratching her head at where all that water went.

Gu Xiqiao recapped the bottle and began complaining. “I talked all morning and not a single soul passed me a bottle of water.”

That was because her audience had been thoroughly shocked by her speech.

“Little system, where’s her missing script?” Gu Xiqiao asked as she flawlessly dunked the bottle into a nearby bin.

By now, the system had more or less grown used to the intimidating aura permeating throughout the Imperial Capital; it was able to leave its original form in any given time now. It patrolled around the set for a while upon hearing Gu Xiqiao’s question before finally returning to give a report. “Beauty Qiao, it’s in a bag in the dressing room. I’ve just checked the owner of that bag. Seems like it belongs to—Peng Zixian?”

“Peng Zixian…” Gu Xiqiao narrowed her eyes and began thinking about her next move.

“Go fetch that script over.”

According to Xiao Yun, Peng Zixian was no commoner. She could expose Peng Zixian and her mischievous acts but no doubt, it would only serve to invite reprisals in the future. As Xiao Yun was happily working here, Gu Xiqiao did not hope to cause too much trouble for her friend.

After all, scheming rats like Peng Zixian were hard to avoid.

The system wanted to turn Gu Xiqiao’s order down but dared not do so. Could it get any lower than this? Being ordered to steal from someone else?! When was it designed to do such a lowly thing?

Still, it had no choice but to bow down to Gu Xiqiao’s intimidation.

Peng Zixian was in the middle of removing her makeup. Her bag was hung on one of the racks in the dressing room. None of the people in said room were able to detect the system. It flew right in front of their faces and proceeded to retrieve the script from Peng Zixian’s bag unnoticed.

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