9. Sofferenza

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My knees collide with the ground. I touch the white snow with my palms and bite my lip trying to suppress a scream. Immense, unimaginable pain excruciates my body and my mind. It feels like my insides are on fire, like my mind is slowly being ripped apart, like my bones are being torn and turned in every direction. In the distance I hear a very loud growl and a scream.

“Enough, sister! Stop!” My mind becomes clearer as soon as I realize whom the voice belongs to. This voice instantly makes me feel at ease, makes me feel safe even though I am suffering this agony.

Somewhere in my chaotic mind one thought connects to another and I manage to invoke my gift. The burning pain stops immediately. I open my eyes and raise my head. Instantly I notice Demetri restraining the livid, but still handsome boy. I have enough of sense not to attack. That is what they want. I tame my anger and slowly stand up. I feel strong arms wrap around me and help me regain my balance. I smile and put my hand on Carlisle’s in a thankful manner. He smiles and steps back, allowing me to stand on my own. My eyes connect with the burgundy ones of the girl and my face forms an unmistakable smirk. She glares at me and steps forward. As I now know, her brother easily escapes Demetri’s grip and grabs her arm harshly.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” He growls darkly and sends a sinister glare. Instead of anger, Jane looks at him with defeat and confusion. Her eyes quickly flitter from me to her brother. She looks at him confused and doesn’t know what to do. Her countenance carries an apologetic and angry mixture of feelings.

“Alec..” Aro looks at the boy.

Small bells ring in my mind as I finally find out his name. ‘Alec.’ I smile to myself. ‘Alec…’ I can’t contain my excitement and longing to say his name, to hear how my angelic voice embraces it and to see how Alec responds, what he feels hearing me whispering his name.. But I know that it will never happen. It is impossible.

“May I?” The master extends his hand but Alec only glares at it. It looks like he is debating on whether taking it or not, but decides to put his marble glowing hand into his. Aro concentrates for a moment and then looks at the boy with surprise. His eyes glance at me for a split second. “Luck smiles upon you, my child.. Such beauty.. Such a prize..” He looks at me in a daze and lets go of Alec’s hand. In the mean time I walk back to Renesmee, who is sitting on Jacob’s back. Bella looks at me apologetically.

“I’m so sorry.. It didn’t reach that far..” She whispers sadly.

“It must.” I steal a glance at her. “Jane won’t stop with me. I can protect myself, but you must protect others. You have to try.” She looks thrown of track and nervous.

“Remember the training.” Edward joins in. “Protect me.” He sends her a mocking smile and a nervous chuckle.

But the insignificant moment of relief vanishes as Jane and Caius share a look and she rams her sharp as blade eyes into the vampire that is standing the closest. Carlisle doesn’t have enough time to receive the full blow of the pain, when a cold as glass movement passes us like a wind and stops in front embracing all of our alliance. Bella tenses and smirks smugly.

“It’s working.” Edward walks to her and wraps his hands around her.

Jane looks at everyone feverishly trying to find a weak point, but doesn’t. She squeezes her lips into a thin line and looks at her masters, who look astonished and taken aback. A stressing silence settles in the air for a few moments as the Volturi take their time.

“Aro, you see there's no law broken here.” Carlisle says calmly.

“Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger?” Aro says loudly and turns to his army. I feel my muscles tense. “For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable, and we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow.” He ends his speech and the words are all that it takes for his allies to glare and snarl our way. But Aro’s expression changes as he notices a movement at the edge of the forest. I follow his gaze and see two figures emerge from the nearby woods.

“Ah!” Aro gasps loudly. “Alice!” 

You belong to me. [Alec Volturi love story]Where stories live. Discover now