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"being a traitor again, i see?" seamus arched an eyebrow, addressing the gryffindor who had just walked into the great hall with her usual group of slytherins.

as theo, blaise and draco jumped forward, maddy and daphne pulled them back.

"no, i just don't find gryffindors tolerable anymore," maddy lied, faking a smile.

the five proceeded to walk to their corresponding table, where crabbe and goyle were already seated, shoving food into their mouths.

"you really haven't entered the gryffindor common room yet this year, have you?" draco chuckled.

"why would i? no professor has said anything about it."

"i wish they would," theo and pansy said in unison, except the boy was joking.

"professor slughorn invited me to this party," blaise informed after taking a bite of his meal, causing maddy to snort. "i don't know what you're snorting about—he told me to invite you as well."

"if it's as your date then no," the taylor girl replied, serving herself a cup of pumpkin juice.

"mate, i think you just got rejected," theo fought back the urge to let his lips curve up into a smile.

"no—you did just get rejected," draco added, taking a sip of his drink.

blaise slightly turned a shade of crimson red, making the group burst out into laughter.

"he didn't specify, so," the zabini boy trailed off.

"alright—c'mon m, we have work to do," draco clapped his hands, standing up and reaching out for maddy's hand.

"but it's the hogsmeade visit today," maddy whined.

"don't worry, you'll get to go and see tonks—i have detention with mcgonagall so this won't take long," draco groaned, leading the girl to the room of requirement.


"maddy," phoebe stopped the group her sister was walking with, wiping her teary eyes. "c-can i talk to you?"

maddy raised an eyebrow—phoebe's voice was small, almost sounding fragile.

"yeah," the darker girl shooed away her friends before taking her sister to a more secluded corner of the corridor. "what's up?"

"i—uh—i saw lavender brown and ron kissing and it made me realize something."

"what?" maddy crossed her arms, excited for what her twin was about to say but also felt bad because of the way she found out.

"i think i'm in love with him."

"finally," maddy groaned, bringing phoebe into a hug to comfort the crying girl.


"yeah. don't think i didn't notice the looks you two give each other."

"what about harry?" phoebe chuckled.

"he's obviously sharing those looks with ginny."

"so what's up with you? how have you been?" phoebe asked after a moment of silence, causing maddy to slightly tense up.

"well—i've been getting along with theo, blaise, and daphne, so i've just been spending more time with them."

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