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"do i have to drink this?" sirius scrunched up his face, sniffing the bottle he had in his hand.

"yes, now stop sniffing," phoebe swatted it away from his nose. "it's just a potion," she said, gulping it down and leaving once it had taken it's effect.

"who am i going to look like?" sirius raised his face, rushing to the mirror. "i love my face."

"just chug it and go find remus and tonks," maddy groaned, doing the same as phoebe and leaving to go find hermione.

instead, she found the boys, and to show it was her, she flicked ron.

yeah, no one understands how they realized who it was.

"oh, hey, we were just talking about the night-aunt muriel."

but maddy wasn't listening.

hermione was rushing over to them.

"yo-you look great," the taylor girl stuttered out.

"great aunt muriel doesn't agree. i just met her upstairs while she was giving fleur the tiara. she said 'oh dear, is this the muggleborn?' and then 'bad posture and skinny ankles.' hold on, i'm sorry, but you are?" hermione directed to the girl who was wearing a romper version of her dress.

"you're one and only," harry teased.

the bushy-haired witch's face lit up, and she smiled as she looked maddy up and down, causing the girl to blush.

"wow," hermione breathed out, and phoebe appeared, shutting hermione's mouth.

"don't let the flies in."

"yeah, you too ron," george walked up to them, fred not too far behind.

"yeah, don't take it personally, she's rude to everyone," ron stared at phoebe, and it took the others a minute to process who he was talking about.

"oh, talking about muriel? yeah, she's just told me my ears are lopsided. old bat. i wish old uncle bilius was still with us, though; he was a right laugh at weddings."

"wasn't he the one that saw a grim and died twenty-four hours later?" hermione asked.

"well, yeah, he went a bit odd towards the end."

"but before he went loopy he was the life and soul of the party. he used to down an entire bottle of firewhiskey, then run onto the dance floor, hoist up his robes and start pulling bunches of flowers out of his-"

"yes, he sounds a real charmer," hermione interrupted, while harry roared with laughter.

"never married, for some reason."

"you amaze me," phoebe joked.

they were all too busy laughing to notice an older man walking their way.

"you look vunderful."


hermione dropped her bag, and maddy reached down to pick it up.

"is that a dark mark?" viktor asked, eyeing maddy's arm.

"no, it's a tattoo," she quickly replied, handing hermione her small beaded bag. "cassandra tonks, nice to meet you."

"viktor krum," the man smiled, extending his hand, "nice to meet you too."

"the service will be starting soon, so, i should probably go find my cousin," maddy scurried off, taking phoebe with her.

"what was that?"

"i dunno-i freaked out, okay?" maddy sighed as they sat down next to a nymphadora tonks, remus lupin, and disguised sirius black.

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