author's note

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before we get started with the story, i would just like to say that this isn't just a hermione fanfic, but the story of my oc, madison taylor.

sure, i love hermione granger, but i also love hogwarts, the whole franchise. this is like a way for me(and y'all) to live in it.

anyways, this book takes begins in the philosopher's stone, and ends fifteen years after the battle of hogwarts.

i really hope you enjoy this story, it's probably my favorite book of mine.

but enough chit chat, let's get you started on this hell of a ride : )

with love,
-gisy <3

UPDATED ( 6/18/21)
just wanted to say that i will be changing my oc's faceclaim, and i'll be fixing everything that mentions maddy's looks when i find the time for touch ups. (sometime this summer) there won't be many changes, just little errors like misspelling and any moments that i feel need improvement, whether it's how it's worded or the whole thing in general

ill probably do updates once i'm not getting any notifications from this book cus i'll be taking it down by parts to reread and fix, and since i'm moving at the end of august it may take some time

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