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madison spent july of 1997 everywhere.

she would travel by train, and she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy any of it.

she made muggle friends and basically just spent that month like a muggle.

the day she knew hermione was traveling to the burrow, she apparated to the girl's bedroom, instantly plopping down on her bed.

"i've never been here before," maddy scared the bushy-haired witch.

"don't do that again," hermione sniffled, making maddy sit up.

"what's wrong?" the darker girl's hand went up, wiping away the tears.

"i-i have to alter my parents' memory to keep them safe," she mumbled, shoving a shirt into her duffel bag.

"love," maddy sighed, standing up and wrapping her arms around hermione, "do you need any help?"

"no-can you just, like wait for me outside?"

"of course," maddy sadly smiled, kissing hermione's forehead and disapparating, landing in their backyard since it was closed off and no one could see.

she snuck out through the fence door and stood against the wall, making sure neither of the granger adults could see her.

moments later, hermione walked out, tears streaming down her face.

"c'mon," maddy extended her hand.

"they're moving to australia," the brighter girl accepted the other's hand.

"everything is going to work out," madison said as she led the two to a dark alley way.

"i know-anything is possible with you by my side."

the taylor girl didn't answer-instead, she leaned in for a quick kiss before disapparating, the two appearing at the burrow, where ginny was waiting for them.


the night they went to retrieve harry, maddy stayed back, mostly because of how nervous arthur was to leave his two girls alone.

maddy promised she would protect molly and ginny, and phoebe promised molly she would help protect her boys seeing as she accompanied them to privet drive.

"look," ginny pointed as two figures were seen in the yard, one way bigger than the other.

as soon as the other two spotted them, they ran outside to get a better look.

"harry? you are the real harry? what happened? where are the others?" molly cried.

"what d' you mean? isn't anyone else back?"

"no," maddy sighed, taking a quick glance at molly and seeing her pale face.

"the death-eaters were waiting for us. we were surrounded the moment they took off-they knew it was tonight-i don't know what happened to anyone else. four of them chased us, it was all we could do to get away, and then voldemort caught up with us-"

"thank goodness you're alright," she pulled the boy in for a hug.

"havent go' any brandy, have yeh, molly? for medicine purposes?"

the older red-head scurried off, taking maddy with her.

"it's going to be alright," molly said, but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself. "i'm glad we got you back," she sighed, kissing maddy's forehead before hurrying to where she kept the medicine and dragged the girl back outside.

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