♡ one ♡

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"Remind me that we are never taking a baby on a plane again," I sighed as Wyatt hoisted our luggage off of the luggage carousel.

"You're the one who still wanted to come even with a baby," Wyatt reminded me.

I swatted his arm at his comment, "Wyatt, it's your sister's wedding, there was no way we were going to miss it!"

Wyatt's oldest sister, Maren, was getting married and first she had thought of having the wedding close to home, but then she decided to move it to her fiancé's home state of South Carolina. Of it were a closer state to home, we would have driven, but it was too far away for a drive with a two month old baby. Then, Wyatt's parents offered to buy our plane tickets and we decided to take the risk and fly with Noah, which was a mistake.

Noah cried almost the entire flight, so not only were Wyatt and I getting stares for how young we were to have a baby, but we also had a crying baby the entire flight. We only got about thirty minutes of silence at the end of the flight when Noah finished eating because he was in a milk coma. Let's just say, I was not looking forward to the flight home.

Wyatt and I moved off to the side of the airport to a bench where I took Noah out of the wrap he was in, swaddled against my chest, and attempted to move him to the car seat without waking it up, but had no luck. Noah immediately started stirring and fussing before I could even put him the carrier.

"Let me see him," Wyatt offered. I handed over the baby and Wyatt laid him against his chest and rocked him back and forth gently until he settled down. Wyatt then very carefully placed him in the carrier and buckled him in.

We were lucky for the most part because Noah was a pretty quiet baby. He rarely got fussy at home, unless he was hungry or had a dirty diaper, but apparently airplanes were his weakness.

"You ready?" Wyatt asked, picking up Noah's baby carrier off of the bench it was resting on.

"Yeah," I sighed, pulling the handle of the suitcase until it extended to its full length. I grabbed Wyatt's free hand and we headed out of the airport together. Wyatt's sister, Cara, had offered to pick us up since she had come into town a few days earlier with Wyatt's parents and his other sister, Gianna. We walked outside into the South Carolina heat and I immediately regretted having a sweatshirt on. I guess you couldn't live in sweatshirts all year round in a place where it is warm basically all the time.

"Do you see her?" Wyatt squinted as he tried to make out all the face waiting next to cars.

I scanned the crowd as well, "Over there," I said, nudging him to the right where I saw his sister waiting for us.

"Hey Cara!" I called, getting her attention off of the people flooding out of the doors of the airport.

She tore her eyes away from the crowd and smiled at both of us, "Hey you two! How was the flight?"

Wyatt's groan along with my response of, "exhausting," basically told her everything she needed to know.

She frowned, "Well, I'm sure the flight home will be a little better."

"Hopefully," I sighed, rubbing my eyes, "Do you want to hook the car seat in while we get the luggage in the back?" I asked Wyatt. He nodded and shrugged the backpack he had off of his shoulders before handing it to me. I tucked Wyatt's backpack in the back first before Cara helped me put our suitcase in the back, and finally, I took the diaper bag off of my back and placed it in the backseat, on the floor under Noah's car seat. I crawled in the middle of the backseat and Wyatt sat next to me as Cara got in the driver's seat.

"You know one of you can sit in the front with me right?" She laughed, looking back at us, squished together in the backseat.

"Yeah, but he's my pillow," I yawned, letting my head rest on Wyatt's shoulder.

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