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Long ago...

A warm wind consisting of the usual and a bit of the unusual flits through the thick pine and evergreens. It approaches a nearly invisible vine covered dome. Moving with intention, it seeps through the cracks and crannies of the spherical structure.

A strong resonant voice echoes inside and around twenty-six slabs of marble that make the interior of the dome. "Akakios." This voice speaks to the unusual bits in the wind, calling them by name. "Akakos, you are late."

Gliding down from twenty-six latticed beams of the cupolaed ceiling, the particles of wind that were not gas, but god, settle in front of the marble slab engraved with the image of a sword and shield. There they coalesce and reform into a behemoth of a god called Akakios.

In this meeting place of the gods, between the brilliant stone walls, stand twenty-five other godchildren. Twelve gods of light, thirteen gods of darkness, and in the middle of the room stands a solitary figure: the leader.

The leader does not turn, he only speaks. "Thank you for joining us, brother."

The warrior god nods.

"I have called you all here to discuss this pitiful world and its fragile inhabitance in good faith. There will be no discord between us this day." The leader paused eyeing each and every one of his twenty-five companions. "I grow tired of being here and I am certain you all do as well."

One standing before a dark pillar of marble speaks up. "It is only because you do not seek pleasure with the mortals that you grow weary." The suggestive remark is met with laughter.

Refusing to take the bait, the leader turns, slowly, in a circle awaiting the laughter to die down.

It is Akakios that speaks up. "Xerses, I wasn't aware that you have found the purpose for our test here in a mortal's bed."

"He does not use beds." Inanna, a goddess of the underworld, smirks.

"Why do we consort with this filth?" Akakios asks the leader.

The air inside the meeting place swirls and forces the voice of the leader into the ears of all within. "No more of this. We need answers. We have been here for three thousand years. I cannot continue to flounder."

The marble walls reverberate the words for only a moment and then silence falls as the godchildren consider their circumstance.

When none speak, the leader turns his face heavenward with a hope in his heart. "I have an idea."

Twenty-five sets of eyes fall upon him.

"As you all know, the only instruction Ahura Mazda left us with was to learn."

Inanna snorts, "A very broad task indeed." As Akakios simultaneously adds; "And we have the oath."

"Yes." the leader acknowledges Akakios' comment with a nod. But he speaks to Inanna's, "Broad it is and yet we have learned. We know the history of this people. We know all the elements of this rock they call earth and their uses. The vegetation has been studied to exhaustion. We know the inner workings of these people, how they think, why they act, what they love. We have studied every species of animal, every insect and microorganism. We have studied nature and culture and tradition and religion."

"Get to the point Darius."

"The point is there is nothing left for us to learn and yet we have not yet gained what was promised us. We are not Ktistes. There is no hint of that prize, that glory, that will make us gods in more than just birthright."

Grumblings in the circle begin, and the word, "Ktisis" is whispered.

"What is your idea?"

The leader stands tall. "Akakios used the wind to travel here. I used light. Inanna used earth. Xerses used water. We all use the element that is most useful to us, or most straightforward. We use that which blends best with our inherited talents." He pauses once more but only for a moment. "I feel that has limited us. Perhaps the last thing we have to learn is the use of all the elements. We all understand fully how interconnected this earth is. All life is dependent on all other life. Perhaps that is the lesson. That we must be well rounded and once we have perfected all the different talents and skills, we will use them in harmony to create, to be Ktistes. And as difficult as it might be, I propose that we teach each other. That we help one another. I propose that we train together that we might accomplish this thing as a family. For that is what we are. I propose that we combine light and dark and see what we might make."

Many murmurs of agreement arise.

Xerses steps forward. "If we are proposing plans here. I have a different take. We have learned all that we can, at least all that is useful. We have done our duty. We have lowered our selves, demeaned ourselves, become as nothing. We have done all that was asked of us and yet our fathers do not make us Ktistes. Why is that? I have thought long and hard about this. I believe that our fathers, that Ahura Mazda, sent us down here as a punishment. I believe that they are in Elysium and Kolalabra as we speak creating new children that will not disappoint them as we have. I believe we are banished, and they are keeping the power of Ktizo for themselves."

Many murmurs of confusion and anger arose at these words.

"Or am I mistaken?" Xerses speaks over all the noise, "Have any of you communicated with your own Ktistes? Neither Ahura Mazda nor my creators have given me any signs they are invested in us."

Silence fills the room.

"You see." The power of Xerses dark charisma and the passion in his being weighs upon his companions. "I am right. They do not care. They selfishly horde the power we are seeking. They are not watching us, waiting for us to succeed. They have cast us aside. Thus, I propose we live our lives as we will. That we ignore Darius' benevolent urges to do more, to be better. We listened to him last time and where are we now? More learned yes, but still unable to Ktizo." He pauses dramatically, then states with conviction. "I do not believe they ever meant for us to create. I do not believe they ever meant to share their glory and power with us."

The leader and the dark one stand in the center of the room of staggered black and white marble pillars, twenty-four sets of eyes upon them.

The leader speaks. "It seems we have a choice before us."

If you are reading this story concurrently with BLOOD OF THE GODS go on to the next section and continue until you see CHAPTER 1.5

THE CIRCLE OF GODS  (A Blood of the Gods counter-story)Where stories live. Discover now