☾♕Chapter 11: Math Tainted

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Song: Krabby Step by Swae lee, Tyga, Lil Mosey🎶

~ You Plus Me Plus a room equals things our parents wouldn't be proud of ~

Chapter Eleven: Math and Tainted

"The MATHS!... IT BURNS!!!!!" I said out loud beckoning my mates attention, no I wasn't over exaggerating, I hate math, I hate it with a passion in a league of its own. It does funny things to my head.  Things I don't like!

My brain hurts from doing homework and Banner the smart dumbass is just sitting on our bed grinning at me. Why do the dick wards always have to be super smart?

"Banner baby bear, my big bad alpha", I said cat crawling onto the bed till I was straddling him. Yes, we did get a new room but I just want to trash this one too. "Not going to work", he said. "I'll hit that ass but I'm not going to hit that ass" "Baby please" "I didn't tell you to suck at everything" suddenly I was even more turn. Fine, I'm always turned n for this prick. "It's just a few equations..." more like I've not even started on it. "And I'll suck at anything you want"

"Mmmm... my naughty little vixen. I should tell the teachers to get you more homework", he said throwing his phone away and steadying me over his rock hard erection. I could cum just by feeling it grind against me throw his pants. At fist this was about homework but now I want him. I always want him.

"Come on we got to get ready", he said abruptly getting me off him. "But it's a Saturday..." "I know it's a Saturday I didn't have to drug you out of bed" yah he still does the whole but can you even blame me. "Ready for what anyway?" I hate going out. "It's a surprise" "But I want you" "Needy much?" "And this is coming from you" I said teasingly running my tongue across my lip then biting it and by the groan he let out my magic way working. "You're right, quickie bathroom now", he said throwing me over his shoulder and racing to the bathroom making me giggle at his goofy horny self.

We didn't even make it to the shower before all our clothes disappeared and he was wolfie styling me as I held onto the sink for dear life. He twirled me mid thrust and I met his front as his dick me. Crying out in pure bliss and agony as all over me shattered when I hit my climax again and again as we repeated all over again. What was supposed to be a quickie turned into... well let's just say it took us a while to get out of the completely wrecked bathroom. If walls could talk ours wouldn't, they'd be too scared.


"I'm not being one of those I'm with stupid, Guess I'm stupid couples", I protested as I glared wholes into the hoodies Banner picked out for us. We were slowly turning into that couple. I'm not complaining I love my sweat pants but a girl needs her skirts and dresses. Knowing Banner he'd make me wear the guess I'm stupid one.

"Oh so we're a couple now", Banner said and I shifted my daggers from the harmless pieces of cloths to the annoying little piece of... you know what I won't even today it's what he wants. At least I got to of doing homework. "You know what I mean", I told him walking into his closet it was sweatpants, sweater shirts, joggers and hoodies for days. How did I not notice his style before?

Because he can pull of the old hobo look with a body like that how I'd just like too...

I shook the thoughts before we had to cancel whatever 'plans' he has. My knees still feel like jelly and I would mind him being inside me. Noni! Get a grip! Have some shame!

"How about these", I said walking out of the closet with a white floral patterned hoodie for myself that said, 'shameless' and a similar one for Banner that said, 'sin'. It would help knowing where we were going but any who, who cares I'm shameless after all and when it comes to sin Banner has his fill out it.

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