☾♕Chapter 15: Cheat Tainted

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Song: Falls by Odesza

~ Two's company, three's a crowd but four... Oh well the more the merrier ~

Chapter Fifteen: Cheat Tainted

💛Noni's P.O.V😇

The past year has been more or less happiness all around. Pfft, I got the crap beaten out of me, it was all worth it though.

We finally finished high school, thank God I thought we'd never escape hell's grasp. Banner and I have been happily married for two years. Just kidding, we still go by mates since it's not like we're even dating or anything.

We turned into the sweatpants and hoodie couple. We're usually in doors anyway, with his alpha work and my training. I've been training like crazy with Tesoro, Gamma Hannah, Delta Jayce and some of the other she wolves of the pack who've been nothing but supportive and welcoming.

I was taught how to fight and use guns, blades, bombs any sort of ammo really. Most of the elders were against me learning because it risked me becoming a hunter but like I mean come on old dudes have you meet me. They put up a rational fight anyway, hunters are the major threat to the Gold Wolves Pack.

Hunters naturally hate werewolves and think of werewolves as an abomination but when it came to the Gold Wolf Pack, they'd become particularly nasty. The cause of it all being greed. Gold wolves would be captured, killed, skinned then and melt their fur that was made of literal string of gold into bars of gold. Genius-ly fast was to riches I'd give them that but what's wrong with you!

After some convincing from Banner and the ever not so delicate 'I'm the alpha what I say goes' I was allowed to train. I did promise Banner though that if he was too ever hurt me, I'd personally become a hunter and melt that gorgeous ass of his.

It's been three years since Blair left. We heard that she's mated to a rogue and they made it to the cover of Mates Monthly, their names not faces though. I was happy for her but Chrisshiano made it this big deal and started avoiding us all over again.

Now that we're done with high school it just became that much easier for us to drift apart. Averi and bob still visit often. So I guess you could say it's been a good couple of ears.

Training with Gamma Hannah and Delta Jayce ended early today so I was excited to go fuck with my mates. "Chica I can't understand how you manage to still have that 'Ooooh I'm going to get me some' look every day", Hannah said.

Hannah was more like me in a few ways she couldn't shift but that didn't stop her from becoming the Gamma of the pack since she was her father's only heir. Right next to the words 'Running With The Wolves' you'll find a picture of Hannah there.

She's sort of my role model on a few ways. She's strong, brave and courageous. She's also in a world where she technically doesn't belong. If she can do it, why can't I.

"The Alpha does her good, we hear it you know", Jayce said as he drank some water and I wiped the sweat of my forehead. "Lies, I thought the room is sound proof", I said checking all my straps.

"That's the thing it is or at least it's supposed to be", Jayce said as he could barely hold back laughter and I'm supposed to be this deadly killer but I can't help but look like a tomato at the thought of what my mate does to me. I could care less if others listen our love making.

"We don't listen mi amour we have no choice to it sound like murder", Hannah said and I looked at her with the 'you two' pout and she just shrugged. I pulled out my favourite gone that was strapped into my heels at a dramatic speed and pointed it towards them, "Well that's no way to speak to your Luna now is it", I said.

"Settle down Charlie's angel you're not Luna yet but your timing's improved I didn't even see you pull the strap out", Hannah said and I felt a sense of pride.

The next thing I know Jayce is holding my arms back with his claws at my neck. I felt horrible because I was supposed to counter the attack so that he'd not even be able to put a finger on me. I fumbled with the gun and placed it directly to his groin.

"I'm not supposed to be able to touch you guess someone needs more training", he said and I smirked, "Well I also have the choice to blow your balls off right now so that also leaves you vulnerable", I said.

"By the time you pull the trigger I would have already clawed your throat out", he said. "True but the moment I felt your hands on me the gun was already fired. I lose my life you lose yours and your baby maker goes bye bye", I said and he let me go.

"You're not supposed to be prepared to die Noni, you have to make it so that no one can kill you", he said and I sighed he kind of had a point, I'm good, great even but I'm not there yet.

"Okay you two training ended a little while to go we all have mates to get to", Hanna said with a devious grin. "Are all gold wolves this horny?" I asked.

"You tell us you're sleeping with the alpha", Hanna and Jayce said in unison and looked at each other like 'no way we didn't even plan that we just talked at the same time mind blown'. I rolled my eyes at them.

"I can't deal you idiotas right now, see yah", I said placing my strap back into my boot and walking away to find Banner.

Don't get me wrong, I love my heels they make me feel badass and I'm strapped with ammo like no one's business but I do love my sweat pants and hoodie especially since they're really Banners not mine. I have my own clothes his are just better.

I thought he'd be in his office like always but found Tesoro behind the desk doing some paper work. "Olah chica what are you up to?" I said sliding into one of the chairs.

"He left a while back I thought you'd be with him", she said and raised the papers up before setting the back down and leaning into the chair saying, "Sometimes the Beta's work is to do the alpha's job but it's okay I love our pack, most wouldn't even let an unmated female have a high rank".

"You'll find him", I said. "It's not him I'm looking for", she said in a heavy thoughtful tone. I gave her questioning look. "It's nothing for you to worry about chica. Banner's probably in your room", she said and I took that as my cue to leave.

"You look better in all black than all white", she said referring to my outfit I honestly just wore it to see how dirty I could get. It was a simple white tank top and I found I fight better in skirts and ankle high boot heels. "I was trying something new, tomorrow all gold", I shouted back as I left the office.

I took the elevator to our floor it was empty given that only banner and I stayed here. I got you used to the pack house like the back of my hand. Our floor alone had ten bedrooms each with a personal bathroom along with a kitchen and living area.

The old Noni would cry at the sight of what she walked into. "So this is what happens when I'm training huh", I said as I shout every which way. I could shout them but I'm strong now not cold. "Jenna the fucking she bitch!", I said looking at the two who'd just been caught. Guilt is all I could see on his face and a smirk on hers.

"You two deserve each other", I said and walked out of there hearing a, 'Noni I can explain' and 'this isn't what it looks like'. I knew better, I knew this was coming sooner or letter. Once a fuck boy always a  fuck boy.


Word Count: 1425

Well that happened....😐

Claws, Ready?😠

Pitch forks, Ready?😈

I believe everybody got their ammo ready.😭

Follow me, let's go kill Jenna the she bitch along with all her pack slut friends in nearly all werewolf books 😒😣

I hope you're all with me?🙋

Don't forget to comment, vote. share, See yah in the next chapter for the execution. Mmmbye loves ~ Tisha💛

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