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Aries: Zero and Lost Silver

Taurus: Sally and Lazari
Movies for kids.

Gemini: Offenderman and Nurse Ann
You watch p0rn all night. ᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ

Cancer: BEN Drowned and Jeff the Killer
You watch horror movies for a few hours, then switch to romance and then back to horror.

Leo: The Puppeteer and Suicide Sadie
Sad movies, then comedy. They couldn't make up their mind which mood they were in and they didn't let you choose.

Virgo: Eyeless Jack and Laughing Jill

Libra: Jane the Killer and Nina the Killer
You mostly watched drama all night, but Nina fell asleep on your lap one hour in.

Scorpio: Laughing Jack and Clockwork
Comedy all night.

Sagittarius: Ticci Toby and Homicidal Liu
Sci-fi for an hour, then switched to drama.

Capricorn: Kagekao and Judge Angels
Videos on YouTube.

Aquarius: Trenderman and Slenderman
Only documentaries. You fall asleep in a few minutes.

Pisces: Smile Dog and The Rake because everybody else already had their movie partners.
You watch random things and you never have any idea what's going on.

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