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Martha was panicking, her hands were sweating and her back was producing cold sweat. She was trembling, the contract she thought she had acquired from Claude was fake and she had invested so much money. She even sold some of her father's landed properties he willed to her by putting all her eggs in a basket made her end up with nothing in the long run. The workers she hired died as what they had been forced to construct collapsed with many of them inside, only a few lucky ones were able to escape with their lives and a few others injured.

Picking up he phone she decided to call her partners among the board of directors in Claude's company, she planned to blackmail them into rescuing her from the angry mobs who has been waiting for her at the gate of the mansion.

When she had called them she was shocked with the words of some while others didn't even pick up. The first set she called had told her she was free to blackmail them but won't get anything from them.

She finally called her last hope, they called him old Stan he was a man who had only one wife and two mistresses who he sent abroad and let his wife take care of the sons his mistresses gave birth to. She knew she couldn't blackmail old Stan with results so she was direct.

"Hello old Stan, I need your help. Mo..."

"The construction collapsed and many workers died and their families are chasing you right?"


"I didn't send them if that's what you are thinking, the board members were so dumb to have supported you behind Claude's back now four of them and their families have been wiped out automatically adding the shares to those of them alive who were forced to sell it to others at the lowest price possible and then go into hiding "

'But you also supported me?, you were in fact the biggest supporter ' Martha thought as the thick skinned Old Stan excluded himself from the rest.

Old Stan indeed supported her but after he read the plans he quickly sold his shares when it was high and disappeared, he knew Claude had found out and was into something that would end either in death or death.

He hid with his main wife in his personal island away from Claude, he knew Claude could find him and his family if he wanted to so he had to surrender and survive.

"He can't win, you said so yourself "

"Well he is winning, in fact he has won already. So my best advice for you is to disappear " old Stan said while his beautiful wife fed him grapes as he sipped his red wine. He was 65 and he was glad he wasn't as foolish as his colleagues, when he was 49 he had established businesses abroad in which he shared between his four sons equally so as not to cause conflict, he then established businesses for his  mistresses ranging from spas to boutiques.

He bought his own island at 57 and finished building at 60, his wife wasn't able to give birth to any child but he loved her sincerely. He had those mistresses because his wife advices him to do it, in fact she was the one who advised him to be wise enough to avoid troubles in the nearest future. For his wife he built a mall and it was flourishing in the capital city and abroad.

If he was as foolish not to have listened to his beautiful wife and had ended up with nothing like his colleagues he would have personally killed Martha then himself.

"You are a coward, old Stan I can't believe...."

"Shut up, don't exalt your stupidity, let me break something down for your none existent brain to understand" his wife pecked him when went to do her thing as she took his empty wine bottle with her.

" if there is life you have hope, you running today with your life means you can fight another day when you are stronger "

He told her this but he knew she was too into her own world to understand him. He escaped today because he loved life and doesn't plan to return to fight when he can live the rest of his life in peace with his love and die in peace and be buried here on his island.

"That is a very cowardly thing to say old Stan"

'asshhhh what a brat'

He just laughed then hanged up the call, he can't be the one to open the eyes of a blind child who has refused the help of its guide dog. He watched his wife returned wearing a sexy lingerie he had bought for her, she doesn't even look a day older than 30 but she was 57 and still maintained her beautiful self. As beautiful as always, him being 65 doesn't mean he had lost his function as a man. He rushed after his seductive wife.

'A living dog is better that a dead animal '  at least I'm living to enjoy this my beautiful wife.

Martha stared hard at the mirror, she was annoyed she could faint from anger. She had lost all her contacts all those people she had planted around Claude to monitor his every move .

She knew now that Claude had caught up with her plans and she hadn't noticed all this while until it was too late.

"Shit! Shit! Fucking shit! Urrgh " she slammed her fist into the mirror as she kept repeating those words.

She felt like opening her own head to see what she had been thinking, why did she let her guard down, why did she ignore all warning, what she regretted the most was not killing Skye, Tyler and Louisa when she had the chance.

"'am, Mr. Claude is on the line, should I transfer the call?" Grumbling she made a 'hmmm' sound.

"Martha" his voice was relaxed.

"Oh Claude oh Claude "

"Are you ready for us to end this chess game, if you are then you know what to do. I might even spare you " what he didn't add was spare not to suffer before you die.

Claude found it pointless involving the police in this Martha, like last time he let them handle the investigation according to his mother's wish and that ended in Skye suffering injustice and now everything became more complicated. In the hand of those incompetent set of barbaric idiots good information was a waste.

He spoke calmly into his phone speaker, he wanted to end things fast then he could now concentrate on his broken family.

"Haha Claude oh Claude, I would applaud you for your schemes when next we meet , don't think you have won just yet. Remember Martha Rosa Delgrusso always has a backup plan." Martha threatened as Claude just laughed.

"Be my guest oh mighty Milady"he mocked

"I will make  you and your family pay for what happened mine" with that she hung up panting hard, she was trying to stop the tears from falling. He thinks he has won't right, ok then time to roll in the mud. Her phone rang again.

"What!" She said rudely.

"We have found them Louisa, Skye and Tyler " the male voice rang in her ear. Oh finally her trump card, haha he thought he could win this battle.

"What are you waiting for take them hostage and hide them in the ware house in the capital city"

"Okay then"

She smiled widely at the broken mirror 'oh Claude oh Claude I have got you now' that evening she escaped from her mansion to go meet an old friend of her father and a rival to the Chevalier family. She used her body to get about 50 men and 20 million yuan to destroy them on the promise to not let any of his people die.

Believing in her plan she headed out to the warehouse in the capital city.

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Agh its remaining a chapter.

Skye without Claude ........(mpreg) ManxManWhere stories live. Discover now