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Please ignore all mistakes.


Sasha drove the car slowly still in deep thoughts, she was still confused with Louisa's appearance, wasn't she suppose to be somewhere enjoying her self but what was she doing here and looking like she was already knocking at the gate of death.

Louisa kept looking around in fear of being found, she was feeling very anxious and her scar around her wrist covered from the eyes by her long sleeves she had on was suddenly itchy. She needed to stop the itch unknown to her she has started to reopen her recently closed cuts and the feeling made her feel numb and better as if she was suddenly feeling free.

Finally they reached Sasha's home, Louisa slowly walked behind Sasha still looking behind her to make sure no one was following them. Sasha opened the door to see a smiling Skye who signed a welcome as Sasha nodded, Louisa's body was covered totally by Sasha's body. She noticed Sasha hadn't entered the house so she shifted from behind her body only to see Skye smiling and standing before them.

"S-Skye ?!" She was shocked. Skye who was smiling turned to looked the woman who just stood beside his sister, the woman looked oddly familiar but he couldn't remember who she was. Looking at his sister for help she just entered the house then locked the door , Skye didn't know how to respond to the woman who knew his name.

Happily Louisa bought down the scarf and her glasses as she smiled at Skye whose smile became frozen as his smile fell off his face.
"Skye you're okay" she laughed as she rushed over to hug him, Skye was slow in noticing the rushing woman so he couldn't side step her quick enough so she was already hugging him. Skye was shocked as he struggled to free himself from her, Sasha saw her brother trying to free himself from the overly excited Louisa so she pulled Louisa away as she glared at her and said a stern 'seat down'.

"Louisa you said you had a confession to make for recording, so let's just do that I will be right back" Sasha said while she handed the shopping bag to Skye who in turn followed her into their room. Sasha knew what her brother was going to ask so she started explaining how they had met coincidentally while she was busy searching for a recorder and her camera.

"Just go to the living room and watch her " Sasha said as Skye nodded in understanding. Skye entered into the living room but stood at the far corner looking at Louisa with suspicion who was also smiling weakly at him, her eyes and cheeks were sunken. Sasha rushed back into the room with everything she needed and sat before Louisa setting everything up then signaled her to speak. Clearing her throat she looked into the lens of the camera and she started to speak.

"This is an authentic video recording of my confession, my name is Louisa chevalier. I did a lot of wrong to the people who had never done anything wrong, I'm talking about Skye and my brother Claude. Starting from high school, I followed the wrong people and let them turn me against innocent Skye . Listening to my friend well ex best friend Martha and my mother that Skye was a gold digger who would finally destroy my family when he finally got married to Claude." She paused as she almost laughed at how dumb and naive she had always been If only she had let her self feel all those years ago like her brother had maybe she would have gotten married and have kids with the person she loves, but all her dream had shattered due to her stupidity, naivety and overly trusting her mother and Martha. As she thought all this tears rolled down her face and she saw no reason to wipe her face

"We tried to convince Claude that since he was married to Skye he would never have children of his own and Skye didn't deserve him, I know stupid right for believing all this. Skye shocked us a year later after their marriage he revealed his pregnancy. Martha and my mom were furious that Claude was still loving Skye more and more and Skye getting pregnant was the icing on the cake. Mom also said that the perfect match for Claude was no other than Martha, I didn't want to support them anymore and they decided to blackmail me with the safety of my biggest secret and I couldn't let that happen so I followed them" Louisa looked at Skye who was quietly watching her then she turned back to the camera to continue.

Skye without Claude ........(mpreg) ManxManWhere stories live. Discover now