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I stared at him again, he is so beautiful.
"Stop drooling over that bastard" Sasha said nonchalantly as she took a bite out of her sandwich, we were back at the cafeteria as everyone got quiet as the majestic creature walked in with his devilish crew. I wipe the corner of my mouth as Sasha shook her head , I always wondered why she hated him and when ever I ask she brushes me off saying I was only blinded by love that's why I can't see what is right before me.
"Let's go love struck brother of mine, I always thought you are the oldest of the two of us but I think not" she said dragging me out of the cafeteria when the popular crowd were seated on their usual table. I ignored her as I watched him before the door closed our eyes met.

I can't believe I let my sister persuade me to work here, as a personal assistant and work from home as a writer.
"Just walk into the building boy, I know I told my editor friend about you writing doesn't mean you would seat at home and not fulfill my plan, eh I mean our plan" she said as she pulled me out of her car and when I stood in front of her she straighten my clothes as she pecked my cheeks saying I looked beautiful before she left.
Yes I crossed dressed again, I don't know why I listen to my sister about this.
I walked into the building with false confidence and my head held high.
"Miss Elena Pey?!" I heard my fake name being called, why did my annoying sister pick this as my name.
I looked at who had called my name and it was the receptionist, who was into her late forties married with two kids and a grandchild. I knew all this because I usually visit my husband before the whole framing stuff happened, she was always so nice and motherly towards me.
I walked slowly towards her as she smiled brightly at me, well I should expect that because she was always going to brighten a room.
"Good morning ma'am" I signed knowing she doesn't understand me, but I was shocked when she replied with a sign of her own.
"Good morning dear, your appointment has been shifted to an hour and half " I sighed nodding a little. Well I didn't expect that she would be able to sign back. Looking at me she said.
" my name is Rosa Kai and I am the receptionist of this dumb place and don't worry I learnt signing because of my granddaughter is mute" I nodded but looked confused because she looked angry, frustrated and miserable. What was going on, i needed to know. Seeing my confusion she looked around seeing that it was some what empty she motioned me closer as she whispered.
"Be careful when in this company because many things are happening like a lot of things are happening since the CEO's husband was arrested on a crime I know he didn't commit" I looked at her shocked as she nodded before adding well at least someone still believed me " but everyone else is blind to see how my little Skye is innocent"
"Well if it isn't the old hag gossiping " a high pitched voice said shocking me as Rosa just rolled her eyes at the person, I turned slowly to see a black haired woman with an hourglass figure, wearing a stiletto as high as the table before me and she was beautiful. Ok so I exaggerated a little but it's high and pointy.
"What do you want thirsty b*tch" Rosa said as the so called thirsty b*tch screeched in anger before walking towards elevator. I looked on as the elevator finally closed. What just happened?
"That is Macbeth, the boss secretary who keeps trying to seduce the boss even if he is married, do everything in your power to avoid her" she warned, I nodded before finally noticing my feet are starting to hurt. Just then the phone beside her rang.
"Ok sir, yes sir, I will send her up now sir" as she dropped her phone she smiled genuinely at me
"10th floor the last door down the hallway and good luck dear" she said as I nodded and followed her instructions.
Well what a nice meeting, I put on my game face as I adjusted my skirt and my hair in the elevator good thing is I'm alone. Soon enough I was in front of the office which I was happy for because I can't take the stares anymore, yes I know I am new but seriously.
The secretary desk was empty so I didn't know whether to knock or not, but let's just say think of the devil and she appeared. She came out of the CEO's office with her hair a little scattered and her lipstick almost everywhere as if she has been kissing someone and she was adjusting her skirt. I almost felt hurt till I remembered my husband called the receptionist about five minutes ago, so what Rosa said about her is true.
"Oh hello, are you Miss Elena?" I nodded as she faked a smile. "He will see you now" I nodded ignoring her glare as I knocked on the door. I heard a faint come in from the other side as I proceeded to open the door.
His office still looked the same with our babies picture hanging on the wall, the only difference now is I was no longer in the picture and that hurts me badly. I guess he hated me so much.
"Miss Elena have your seat" his cold voice said sending chills down my back as I finally sat down, he was still looking at his computer screen as I sat there awkwardly. He suddenly stopped and raised his head to look at me before picking the file I suspected was mine as he opened it.
"It says here that you are twenty seven, mute and have been working for the Bouchez cooperation for six years as a personal assistant and they recommended you saying you were the best in doing your job" he said as I nodded. Of course my sister would make dad do this, yes I was trained by my dad on being a personal assistant when I was an intern in his father's company and yes my sister used dad's company name.
"So I am putting you on probation for a week and if am impressed by your work then you are hired" he said still looking through my file. Well that was easy.

HEY GUYS! Happy new year...finally I updated..
Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.
Ohhhh someone is in though partially but in.
Love you all so much...
Daph out

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