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Martha was just ten years old when it all happened and she was traumatized, the man that killed her parents and then took her mother's body away didn't notice her but she couldn't forget his face which was imprinted in her head. It was already dark outside and she hadn't moved from her spot neither had she blink for fear of the evil man coming back to finish what he started, she was just staring into her father's lifeless body.

"Martha where are you?" She heard the familiar voice of her uncle Alfred Delgrusso was not really an ambitious man that's why he never fought his brother for his position as the head of the mafia no matter how their mothers instigated it. He was here today because he wanted to have a talk about something important with his brother and the see his cute niece Martha, but what he met was dead bodies everywhere around the house those he recognized while some where people he didn't know. He began panicking hoping not to see Martha dead. After checking around the house except for his brother's wife's room, when he got there he saw his dead brother and a trembling Martha staring unblinking at him.

A child wasn't meant to see this so he rushed towards her picking her up and laid the trembling girl's head on his chest. 'Poor thing ' he thought as she seemed to be in shock that she couldn't cry or say a word just trembling.
He quickly wanted to leave the room when something from the bed drawer caught his eyes, the drawer was opened and within was a journal with a soft leather back and a old English header on the back cover opening it he saw 'for Martha's eighteenth birthday' so he took it with him and rushed out of the house before settling the mansion into self destruct mode.

Two years had passed and Martha was back to playful and mischievous ways, she was happy to stay with her uncle and his husband who loved her so much, he was also doting father and was already helping her forget the incident. She had close friends she always hanged out with though she didn't forget her parents death but she followed her uncles words 'revenge doesn't hurt only a person but it could hurt someone important to you, just like throwing a stone upwards it might land on your head or on someone you care about' so she decided to continue with her life.

Her best friend Louisa Chevalier was having a sleepover at her house and invited Martha over with two of their other friends. Martha was so happy to see her ice block crush, she liked Claude Chevalier who was her best friends older brother who was about two years older than her and Louisa.

"Martha lets go down for dinner before Isabel and Sidney comes over for the sleep over" Louisa said while the twelve years old Martha nodded happily.
During dinner Louisa's father came home with a fourteen years old Claude, since she became friends with Louisa and since she started visiting them she had never met Louisa's father just only her mother she had ever met. On seeing her friend's father she felt like she was electrocuted, it was the man that killed her parents, he was playing happily with his children and his family was complete. Her heart suddenly felt bitter and hate filled her heart, during the sleepover she wasn't playful as before claiming that she was feeling sick and she waited patiently for the sun to come up so she could leave here.

When it did she was happy to see her uncle had come to pick her up earlier due to him being called that his niece was not feeling well, as he drove away she looked out the window in deep thoughts. Her uncle noticed how withdrawn she was but he didn't want to ask her what happened until she was ready to tell him by herself. After a week she finally made up her mind to tell her uncle about what had happened, he was glad she finally came around but he knew she was hiding something from him as her eyes kept showing hatred for the man. Even though that said man killed his older brother but his brother was a terrible person and he chose his path to walk on so Martha didn't need to work on the same path as her father.
" uncle just teach me self defense I promise not to take revenge but you know I could be attacked by father's enemies when I am vulnerable and you know when they find out I'm a Delgrusso instead of lock-heart I could get seriously hurt" she switched tactics and used her innocent look and half truth to persuade her uncle and he fell for it since some of what she said actually made sense.

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