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please ignore all mistakes...

The picture above is how I imagined Sasha



it has been three weeks since i came to live with Sasha, two weeks since new year. i was ready now for the world to see a new me more like a different me, I was tired of having dreams of those dark days in prison.

I was mostly staying in Sasha's room due to always waking up up screaming or crying, after the first two nights in the guest room Sasha became very worried that me staying alone in my room could lead to me hurting myself. At first I thought it was extremely ridiculous but after sleeping in her room for some night I noticed I slept better, it was like when we were younger.

I have began eating and adding a little much flesh according to Sasha who is still not satisfied with me adding a little healthy weight, she wanted to do everything to get my mind off my problems though it really doesn't change the fact that my problems are still here but I'm very grateful for her trying.

This morning I was staring at Sasha as she was going crazy, suddenly i can only blame myself for all this because after our talk some nights ago, today she decided we should go to the mall so this is were my fault comes in when i signed 'go crazy' and that is what landed me in this mess i am in.

"try them on boy and remove that dark hood you are wearing people need to see your beauty" she said as i ignored her while taking the clothes from her to try them out.

After hours of playing dress up with my crazy ass sister we finally left and headed to her favourite hair salon, she was talking to her hair stylist who nodded at every thing Sasha was saying.

"please have your seat" she paused as she assessed me from head to toe. "remove the hood and the sunglasses"

"Come on kye be fast about it we need you to be prepared before Monday" what was happening on Monday, what has this crazy girl planned suddenly i started to regret agreeing to all this.

    After an hour or so she was finally done with my hair as she told me to look at my reflection which I did as I was so shocked at what I was seeing, my mismatched eyes shinned bright in contrast to my hair color as the hair stylist admired her work.

"Why hello there sexy thing, can I get your number" my goofy ass sister said then
Whistled raising her perfectly shaped brows up and down. I smiled as her stylist shook her head while laughing.

"You never change Sash" the stylist said as Sasha shrugged before paying the stylist and dragging me away.
"Come back soon you two"

" we will Brown" she said before looking at me with a big smile that showed mischievousness, some times I wonder how the hell we are related when she always has something tricky up her sleeves.

'What are you planning or what have you planned' I signed as she stopped before me.

"I got talking with an editor friend of mine who said she was willing to be your editor since you don't have any published book and you are just starting up. She said she plans to help you any way she can as long as you are willing to complete your work on time" I hugged her in happiness, writing a book is easy but getting it to be published is another work entirely, my sister just made it easy for me to start up my passion once again, I am very happy too happy.

"Oh brother don't cry you know I will do anything for you because you have always done the same for me since we where young" she said as she wiped away the tears I didn't notice escaped my eyes.

The rest of the afternoon we chatted and ate lunch before her phone started ringing, her smile dropped at the caller id then she looked at me with different emotions.
"Mom" she mouthed as I nodded for her to go ahead and answer the phone. If my mom is calling her it isn't a crime I can't spoil my sister and mom's relationship not that it wasn't already broken. She picked the call putting it on speaker.

"Hey mom" she said as our mom was the one who was now talking fast as she gasped at what mom said.

"I'm in front of your door open the door you spoilt brat" always a woman with such loving words.

"Mom why would you be in my house?" She snapped as mom also snapped at her.

"Shut it you disrespectful brat, I brought your dress for the charity ball. Remember Mr Winston son, yes he will be there. So I will doll you up...."

"No mom I'm not going to any stupid charity ball if I am going to wear a dress and not a tux, by the way I am as straight as a pentagram. Stop setting me up with your stupid friends son, by the way you first loving daughter is still available" my sister is gender fluid and that seems to always annoy my mother to the core, if my sister wasn't my sister and was also a guy then yes i would hit her up.

"No mom stop it" that snapped me out of my thought.

"I'm serious mom, by the way I'm coming with my girlfriend" what girlfriend, i looked at her only to see her signature smirk as she looked at me.

"better mom, can you leave my house now, no i am not coming home, yes i am with my girlfriend" i hope she wasn't talking about me in a female reference. is she crazy or what.

"Bye mom" as she dropped her phone i began to sign fast.

'i am not going to do anything crazy with you sasha' geez sometimes I always wondered how come I am not as mischievous as she is after staying half of my life beside her.

"oh come on, the dinner is tonight and we need to get you into your new female role as my girlfriend baby boo" she pouted and showed her annoying puppy dog look, this look doesn't make you want to awe instead you just want to beat her up.

'i thought you wanted me to have a new image not cross dress you crazy rhino'  i signed in anger as she rolled her eyes shrugging before paying for our lunch and dragged me to a women clothing and lingerie store, hell no wearing female clothes is one but no lingerie. i kept struggling but she ignored saying something about my feminine curves and etiquette. Oh God I hate my life.

This is going to be humiliating and annoying, then she said she knew i wanted to see my parents without them knowing its me and there is no other way for that to happen without them recognising me which made sense a little. This was how i ended up with a lightly made up face, a tight fitting red dress and crazy yet balanced heels.

'I your ancestor is rocking a female outfit' I thought to myself waiting for my sister to get ready.

"I'm ready my darling lets go" my idiot sister who was handsomely dressed said as she stood by the door waiting for me, slowly i walked toward her before she led me into her super expensive cars and i don't know the brand or name because i was't the car loving being like she is.

"This is what we are going to do, your name tonight is Ellie Macken from Sweden but schooled in new york, you are mute, we met during one of my crazy travels and we clicked then leave the  information for me to give them now. Since it is settled we have finally arrived" she said as i finally noticed the car had stopped, she rushed to my side to open the door and i took her hand elegantly.

well i hope this works wish me luck.




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