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After making myself believe that I won't be lazy anymore but let's face it I'm very lazy. And I am finally accepting myself. I am the queen procrastination. ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ

Please ignore all mistakes...


I didn't understand what was going on really, all I could recall was the lawyer of my husband hired planted different lies about me and funny thing is that our family didn't even notice that it was all lies. They knew my husband and I have been married for four years, they also know that I gave birth to those kids yet they weren't saying anything, I could hear my ex husband's mother and sister laughing in the background. My husband wasn't even here due to a so called business trip and let's not forget he is needed here and without him the case would be adjourned for another date entirely.

I could smell a foul play but didn't know how to pin it out, before I noticed what was happening I'm already being transported to the prison which would be myself and baby's home for the next ten years.

"Stand here tootsie" one of the medical officials growled at me while pushing me to the empty looking room at the corner of the hall while the other new and old prisoners continued to walk with the head warden leading them. I stood confused in the almost empty room that had just a clinic bed and a chair.

"Sorry to bother you but why am I here, hey don't close the door" I snapped at the so called doctor. The man just ignored what I said as he pushed me to sit down, then I soon noticed clinical tools at the far corner of the room behind the door out of sight.
"What are you doing?" I asked in fear.
"Shut it tootsie, stay still let me get this over with and you will be taken to a separate cell from the others" he said with a snare as he started the so called check up while I wondered why I would be staying in a separate cell from the others, something wasn't right. I felt so uneasy but I couldn't complain.
"You can leave a guard is waiting for you outside the door so better hurry to meet him" I followed his instructions as the guard just walked a different direction from where the other prisoners were led to. What was going on why do I feel the hairs on my skin rise with the way each cell had a prisoner looking at me with dark empty eyes, it was like I had suddenly entered into a horror story or something.
He finally stopped in front of an empty cell which was already opened then pushed me inside not to roughly.

It has been four months since I have been in this hole, they always brought my meals in here and vitamins for my pregnant self. I knew something was wrong with the treatment they gave me but for the past two months I haven't gone out of this cell without a guard and the first two months was spent with harsh words and deadly pranks on me by the other prisoners and guards. But something had been going on lately that the feeling of uneasiness started up again, like last week I woke up to the doctor looking at me from the outside of my cell. Yesterday he still came again to look at me weirdly.

Today after eating and taking my vitamins I began to feel weak and dizzy, what was going on why do I feel extremely weak. Suddenly the cell opened as two hefty looking prisoners entered my cell picking me up from where I laid manhandling me as the rushed fast away from my cell.
"Where are you taking me " I slurred my words as I could hear a ringing in my ear and I groaned at the sudden cramp and wetness I felt in my jumpsuit. I'm I going into labor but I'm just 7months pregnant, no no this shouldn't be happening, soon enough I was placed on what I believe was a bed as I could hear voices of different people but I couldn't make out the voices before I passed out.


I woke up to a migraine headache as the light was too bright for me, groaning I sat up only to whimper feeling so much pain in my abdomen. I couldn't remember what happened, I was finally able to see where I was. It was a clinic I guess the prison clinic, but what was I doing here? There was so many holes in my memory that I couldn't remember how or why I was here.

"Oh you are awake" hissed a female voice causing me to snap my head towards the person, it was a person I had never seen before.
" what am I doing here?" I struggle to ask as my mouth was very dry and almost felt like sand paper.
She snared at me grumbling before passing me the water. Adjusting her coat she sat down beside me, the look she was giving me was like she was looking at a devil's incarnation. What is wrong with people nowadays, judging a person before knowing that individual.
"You lost you baby" she spat as I looked at her in alter confusion, what do she mean I lost my baby. My baby is safe in my womb last I checked, thinking this I looked at my once big pregnant tommy. It was flat that was when it sank into my head, I had lost my baby boy.
"Why, what, how, where is my son, I don't believe you, I want to see my baby boy" I yelled as she rolled her eyes. She stood to her feet as she spoke calmly like she had been doing it for a while.
"You got stabbed by one of the prisoners, who is held in isolation, we tried our best but you were rushed here very late by then we could only operate to remove the dead baby."
"No I don't believe you" I was crying loudly as she shrugged.
"Well it's not like you need a baby since you could kill your husband's kids, people like you do not deserve another chance to care for a child" with that said she left the room. Soon I was given a roommate while I found out I was out for about two weeks. I held the ultrasound of my baby boy as I mourned him and my other babies I had lost, from then no one spoke to me, I was ignored and I finally saw no reason to try and live, or to talk at all since no one seem to want to hear what I have to say.


I finally agreed to write what Sasha advised me to do, yes I was writing about my husband, myself, my kids, my life in general just changed the name the plot and it was a heterosexual couple. I was at the last chapter of the book where I had lost everything and my babies, it's been two months since I started the book, almost three months since I left the prison, two months and two weeks since I started working for my ex husband.
I ended the book with a cliffhanger which was when the main character was released from prison with a plan to avenge the death of her children, the book title is "where the chips lay" . Yes I know it sounds weird but Sasha helped me pick the name.

"Are you done with the book?" Sasha asked with a wide smile as I nodded, it was just 9:00pm on a Saturday night. Sasha wanted to go out clubbing and I had a deadline for the book, so she decided to stay with me and collect the manuscript to give her editor friend.
I smiled back at her before saving it in the system ,a flash drive, and hard drive. You can never be too careful anything could happen and it is not going to be funny to lose this file before the book is published.


Monday was finally here, it's not like I was happy to see my ex every hour of the day. No I planned on moving ahead with my plans to find if Tyler was my son, come to think of it my memory had holes that I couldn't remember fighting or being stabbed but I woke up without my baby. I needed to act fast since I had been busy With the book, so now I need to infiltrate their house but my ex had to be aware by welcoming me with open arms into his house.


OTGI is about to begin, I smiled to myself as I sat at my desk at the early hours of the morning before Claude gets here. I need to make a list in my mind of what I need to do to gain his trust since I once lived with him so I should have a lead on what he likes and dislikes, what entices him well not the seducing part but maybe it results to that who am I to say no. It's not like I will sleep with him just be leaving him hanging. Muahahaha
"Oh Elena you are as early as usual " his voice never seize sending pleasant shivers Down my spine, I need to focus and stop acting strange. Nodding I typed on the iPad .
"Yes sir, I also place your coffee on the table it should be warmer now"
"Good, good, so run through my schedule for today" he said as he began to walk into his office with me behind him, typing away at the iPad. Well I will get you back for hurting me and children. I smirked inwardly.

SO SKYE IS DONE WITH HIS BOOK WHICH WOULD SOON BE PUBLISHED. ANYWHO WHAT Are YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS CHAPTER.....DO YOU LIKE THE 'OTGI' plan... Might have a change of POV soon, I'm not sure. Love you sugahhhhhhsssss. Muah ♡(> ਊ <)♡

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