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Claude couldn't find her, he felt the need to find her so he could take her to the hospital. She was bleeding badly and his heart squeezed painfully at the thought of how broken she looked when she had ran out of his house, he didn't know when he had done this because all he remembered was hearing the familiar humming then he didn't know what had happened next. He saw Elena's image suddenly merged with Skye's image and when he had returned to his senses he saw he had hurt her and she was already running as fast as she could, he wondered what had really happened. Over the years he thought he would be able to forgive Skye but this incident had already proved him wrong, he needed to get over all this it's already been five good years.
Getting closer to the porch he heard commotion within the living room of he house, what was going on. He rushed in only to see his son with very red face and he seemed to have started panicking and he was screaming, he has never seen his son like this. He also felt fear because his son was hitting himself to the wall and Tyler's eyes where unfocused.
"I want mama" he kept shouting as he continued to hit his body on the wall. Claude rushed forward falling on his knees in front of his son bringing the panicking boy to his chest and he kept whispering soothing words. Tyler had woken up from a horrible dream, in the said dream he saw his mother bleeding from his (S) side as he laid motionless on the floor. He (T) kept shaking him but he did not respond, then a woman stood above them laughing with a blood stained knife in her hands. When he woke up an hour ago he was screaming for his mom but she wasn't there, he rushed around the house with his small feet and his shaking body shouting mommy.
Since then the maids and butler were trying calm him but he started panicking instead and hitting his body on the wall.
Claude was finally able to calm his son but the boy kept mumbling about a bad woman hurting his mama, he rocked the boy slowly as he stood to his feet while whispering I'm here baby boy shhh calm down.
"Let's go meet grandma and grandpa" he said as he signal for the butler to bring a few of his sons clothes and toys, he plans on taking his son for check up in case he had internal bleeding or something. He told the guards to call his parents and inform them of their coming.

In Claude's parents house Tyler refuse to leave his father or talk to his grand parents, so he just held on tighter to his father and burrowed himself deeper in his father's chest. He looked smaller than before while Claude kept rubbing his back to calm his son's still shaking body, it was working soon enough after taking the warm milk his father gave him Tyler fell asleep.
"So what happened today?, you look pretty exhausted" Claude's mother spoke first while his father just looked at his son's exhausted form with the already grand son of his fast asleep.
"I did something wrong dad" Claude said looking sadly at his parents who finally sat down together to hear what their son had to say.

"It started some weeks ago, well more like a month and a half ago"
" what started?" His mom interrupted him looking concerned while his father rolled his eyes at his wife. 'Look at her acting suddenly like a mother'
"Let him tell us first before you start showing unnecessary worry which is already making you look like a zombie " she looked at her husband shocked before checking her face on her phone camera. 'Yep such a caring mother' her husband thought.
"Okay you too let me finish " Claude said with an eye roll. His parents nodded for him to continue.
"As I was saying, it started over a month ago I had just employed a new personal assistant who was mute since I got a recommendation from Mr Symòne about how good she was in her job and other things. A few weeks ago Tyler and his nanny came to the office since Martha had instructed her to do so before she had travelled that morning. When Tyler saw my personal assistant he started calling her his mother, then today I had asked her to get me some documents from my office and to bring it to my home office. When Tyler came to see me he saw her and forgot about me, he just went to her saying 'mommy' then he started rambling on and on about God knows what then he fell asleep and I took him into his bedroom to rest more comfortably."
Claude continued to tell them what he had done then to when he came home and met Tyler panicking.
"Isn't Martha his mother, why would he be calling an unknown person mother" Claude's father said with a raised brow and a suspicious look. He was always against his son marrying that gold-digger known as Martha André, her surname sounded familiar so he had sent people to find out what they can about her but they found nothing information on her. The only information he got was totally rubbish and that made him more worried when she had announced publicly her pregnancy, his son didn't remember ever sleeping with her but she had proof and after thoroughly checking it there was no sign of it being photoshopped.
Claude's mom had a complicated emotions within her eyes as she thought of Martha, over the years she had known Martha all she could say was that woman was very crafty more than anyone she had ever met. She was also deadly. It could be possible the child wasn't hers, thinking back she had appeared a few months after Skye was found guilty and kept in prison saying that her and Claude slept together and she was pregnant. Then she disappeared for almost a year then appeared with a two months old baby saying that the child was Claude's son. At first everyone even Claude's mother doubted her but after the paternity test came out it was proven that the boy was actually Claude's son.
She claimed that all this had happened when Claude was still married to Skye making Claude out to be a cheater, Claude didn't argue since he had conducted a secret paternity test and it was true that the baby was his so he decided to marry her so his son can have a mother and not live in a broken home or something along those lines.

" it's my son, remember I secretly had a paternity test carried out to be sure she wasn't forging it and it was 99% proof that Tyler is my son" Claude Said to his parents, though he didn't remember ever being alone with her before.

"Okay back to your personal assistant situation, where is she now?" His father asked as he said he had told his people to check every hospital in the area, at least then he would know she was being taken care of and he could then foot the bill.
"Do you hate Skye that much?" His father asked while Claude looked at his father with anger.
"He killed my children " Claude's mother flinched looking anywhere but her son and husband, if they had been looking at her they would notice how suspicious she was acting. She suddenly felt hot and she quickly excused her self after taking the sleeping child from her son's hand saying she didn't want their fight disturbing the sleeping child.
"Shut it boy, you just sound foolish" his father said angrily. Claude glared at his father in anger. He was trying to calm his fast beating heart and prevent himself from saying what he would regret to his father, his father knew nothing so why was he acting like he understood everything.
"I don't remember having a fool as a son, so better locate where you have lost your thinking brain cells and put it back in that senseless head of yours." The older of the two snapped again with a look of disgust directed at his son. Yes his son was outstanding when it comes to the business and other areas but he was missing a brain cell when it comes to matters of the heart. A blunt way to put it was his son was blind.
" I don't understand why you would think of me as foolish father, he killed our children "
" good thing you said our children, my goodness I have the urge to disown you " the old man said then he decided to help his rock son point out the elephant in the room.
"Okay can you tell me an authentic motive for Skye to kill the children he gave birth to after carrying them for the full trimester and don't say mental health because you and I both know he has a Normal mental health " Claude couldn't think of a reason, he could only stutter. His chest suddenly felt tight and his words were locked in his throat, he felt breathless. He then whispered a small I can't think of a reason but his father heard him.
"What about the footage of the whole day and remember you met all the cameras disabled except that of in the kitchen " his father said in a calm voice like he was trying to calm his pale looking son.
That day when the police were seeking for evidence, they found out that the cameras from the porch to the living area were disabled except that of the it hen which was odd. Thinking about it now if Skye really wanted to hurt their children why would he clear other footages but that of the kitchen, he needed to go back home and re watch the footage again. His father sat beside him rubbing his shoulder "let's just hope nothing happens to Skye in prison"
Claude felt like slapping himself why did it take him five good years before he got the idea someone tried to frame Skye .
Skye can you forgive me for not believing you. With his mind made up he was going to see Skye in prison and then pay the bailout fee.
'I hate me right now' Claude thought to himself.

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