Chapter 6

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Dracula was down in the lab, checking the machinery making sure nothing was disturbed while he was resting. Dracula didn't need to turn around to see who was standing behind him, for he already knew who it was. Dracula had been waiting for his guest to arrive for quite some time. "How was the trip over?"

"It wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be. Are you sure that we have the right woman? Because the little lady on the ship kept blowing me off," The man said.

Dracula turned to glare at his follower. "That is a good thing if she kept blowing you off. That means she truly is my Lilith. What were you doing trying to court her anyway?"

"I was only trying to make sure that she really was your woman. I didn't mean any harm by trying to get to know her better. I also wasn't trying to attempt to court your woman," the man replied.

"Did you think that she was free for the taking? Because if you try and take her away from me, I have no problem killing you, Jonathan. Keep in mind that I could always find another to replace you," Dracula stated.

"I would never do anything to betray you. That includes taking the one woman that you care about. I know you have been waiting for such a longtime for the lady to show herself. Now you're about to have her in your arms again," Jonathan said.

"Not quite yet. My love remembers nothing from the past. I have to help her remember our past together," Dracula said.

"Well, that shouldn't be a hard task to do. Just romance her like you did before, and everything will be fine," Jonathan spoke before thinking about the words that were coming out of his mouth.

Dracula glared at Jonathan. "Do pray tell, tell me how am I to romance my beautiful Lilith, when she would not want anything to do with me? How am I to romance a woman who would kill me, because that is what the followers of god trained her to do? I must get to her before she reaches the village, where her partner will most likely be showing up at soon enough. If I can get to her before he shows up, maybe I can get my love back. Then she can help me take out those who are against me and my kind."

"Are you absolutely sure that your precious love will do anything you ask her to do? Because you would be asking her to help you kill an innocent princess, and a man who was summoned to help bring you down once and for all. What in the world makes you think that you could convince your precious Lilith to help you kill," Jonathan asked.

Dracula smirked at the question. "Lilith came to Romania to seek answers about her past. I am the only one who is the key to give her exactly what she wants. The only other person who could help give Lilith what she wants as well, won't do it. He wants to play dumb and act like he doesn't relive those moments. He wants to act like he doesn't remember that part of his life, but he is forced to do so. He also knows that if Lilith were to ever find out that he knows about what happened to her in the past, she will hate him forever. And that very man doesn't want her hating him at all."

"Who is this man that also could help Lilith remember her past, if you don't mind me asking," Jonathan asked.

"You will learn who it is in all good time. But now I must go and meet Lilith, before she goes and enters the village. I don't want the princess giving Lilith the wrong ideas about me," Dracula said before transforming and flying out of the castle.

I can't help but wonder who the other man is, that can help Lilith remember everything about her past, Jonathan thought to himself, before being pulled out of his thoughts by a hand resting upon his shoulder. Jonathan followed the length of the arm and found that the hand belonged to none other than Aleera.

"Aleera, to what do I owe the displeasure of having to deal with you and your jealous rage today," Jonathan asked.

"I was just walking by when I happened to have heard you and the master talking about this Lilith woman. Is there anything that you know about her, that you could possibly share with me," Aleera asked.

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