Chapter 17

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Van Helsing, Carl, Lilith and the Frankenstein watched as Aleera flew farther and farther away from them; carrying the unconscious Anan all the way back to the castle.

"So boys, what are we gonna do now? Because there is no way in hell that we can catch up to that bride without wings of our own," Lilith said.

"We're still going to save Anna. We don't need wings to get her. We just have to gear up and go save Anna from the beast," Van Helsing said while turning to look at Lilith.

"How in the hell are you going to save her, if you don't have any clue where Dracula's bride took her? And let's not forget that we have the very being that he wants and needs to give his children eternal life. Are you planning on marching into Dracula's lair with the Frankenstein? Because if that is your brilliant plan, you might as well just hand the Frankenstein over to Dracula, get on your knees and wait for him to kill us. Because that is exactly what will happen if you go marching into his lair with the key to give his children eternal life," Lilith said.

"I don't plan on bringing the Frankenstein with me. I plan on hiding him," Van Helsing said.

"What about Lilith," Carl asked.

"What about me Carl," Lilith asked glaring at Carl.

"If Dracula is as fond of you as Van Helsing says, then there is no doubt in my mind that Dracula would want you too. I'm pretty sure that he would stop at nothing to get his hands on Lilith," Carl said as he, Van Helsing Lilith and the Frankenstein all made their way back to the village.

"I'll think of what to do with Lilith when the time calls for it," Van Helsing replied.

Aleera dropped the unconscious princess onto the ground before transforming into her human form as she landed next to Anna. "I brought you the princess. Do you really think he will trade for the princess?"

Dracula glanced down at the unconscious princess for a moment, before replying. "I know he would trade for her. He was given the mission to protect her and find a way to put an end to me. Should he fail to kill me before she dies, all of the Valerious family is doomed to wander in purgatory. Van Helsing wouldn't want that for the precious princess that he is supposed to be protecting."

"Do you really think he would trade for the princess," Aleera asked.

"He will if he doesn't want to fail the mission. Should he fail, he would never hear the end of it when he returns to his precious holy group who has trained him to fight monsters," Dracula said. "Igor!"

Igor came stumbling into the main hall a few minutes after he was called. "Yes master?"

"I want you to bring our guest of honor to her room. Make sure she is comfortable; because she's going to be locked in there until it is time for her to get ready for the all-hollows eve masquerade ball," Dracula said.

"Yes master," Igor replied before picking up the unconscious princess, carrying her to the room that Dracula told him to put Anna in.

Once Igor was out of sight, Aleera took the opportunity to speak up. "You're seriously going to keep the princess locked away comfortably in the room; waiting for our masquerade ball? I thought she was a prisoner that we were going to use as a bargaining chip. Not our damn guest that we are happy to accommodate while she's being kept against her will. Did you forget that she wants our kind dead?"

"I did not forget that she wants us dead. But I'm also trying to gain her trust. Maybe then I could convince her not to kill us. Maybe if I can gain her trust long enough; just so she would give into me and allow me to turn her," Dracula explained.

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