Chapter 3

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Lilith walked along the back alleyway, spotting the wanted poster for her partner. "Oh Gabriel, you have grown so careless in your tasks. You never allowed yourself to get caught to the point where you had wanted posters posted up all over the city before. This is why I keep telling you that you cannot go on missions without me."

"Well, I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter," Van Helsing said causing Lilith to twirl around so she was facing him.

"Gabriel," Lilith breathed out.

"Lilith, what are you doing all the way in Paris? I doubt the Holy Order sent you out this way; especially if you had just woken from a coma," Van Helsing said.

Lilith smiled at her partner. "It's obvious that you need me alongside you on missions. I'm out for a few missions, and you're already collecting unwanted attention to yourself. This is why I always tell you that you need me when you go out on these missions."

"I take it Cardinal Jinette has no clue that you're out here right now," Van Helsing asked.

"I'm sure he knows that I'm missing by now," Lilith said before catching the stern look that Van Helsing was giving her. "Oh, don't give me that look. You know I'm not one to lay around. I need to be up and active. Besides, there is no time for rest when my partner simply needs me to help him out with important missions like this," Lilith argued.

"You are sitting this one out. I can't risk the townsfolk finding you, and making wanted posters for you too," Van Helsing said before walking off.

Lilith rolled her eyes. "Typical male, thinking I can't do anything to protect myself. I'll prove to him that I am more than capable of protecting myself without his help."

"Lilith...oh my beautiful Lilith," a voice whispered. Lilith looked around only to see that nobody was standing anywhere near her. She was about to walk away, when she suddenly collapsed against the wall, closing her eyes momentarily. When she opened her eyes, Lilith noticed that she was no longer in the alleyway in Paris, France. Instead, she was in a ballroom with everyone either dancing or talking among one another. Lilith took a slow step forward trying to keep from bumping into one of the other guests that were attending the ball.

"You look beautiful my love," someone said from behind her. Lilith turned and spotted a man with jet black hair that was tied back in a half ponytail, standing there.

"What are you talking about? I barely know you. Not only that, I'm not really dressed for the occasion," Lilith responded.

"You're real cute my love. You do know who I am. Your father has agreed to give me your hand in marriage. He said it would be the best move for your family. And what are you talking about that you're not dressed for the occasion," The man asked causing Lilith to look down. When she did, Lilith was surprised to see that she was in deed dressed in a beautiful ballgown. When on earth did this happen, Lilith thought to herself as she looked at the ball gown, running her hands down the silk fabric.

Lilith then looked back up staring into the man's deep brown eyes. "Please tell me, what is this ball for?"

The man pulled Lilith close turning her around so that her back was pressed against his chest. The man then leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Why it's to welcome you back home my dear."

Lilith was about to question what he meant by what he said, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck. Lilith's eyes snapped open as her hands flew to her neck, feeling for any indication of what she felt was real. Much to her relief, there were no marks on her neck. Lilith looked down at herself and found that she was back in her normal hunting gear. What on earth was that about? I've never experienced something like that before. I hope to never experience something like that again, Lilith thought to herself, unaware that her partner was making his way towards her.

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