Chapter 24

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Anna shook her head at Carl. "You don't need Lilith to believe in you to do something. All you need is to believe in yourself and you will have the strength to do anything you put your mind to. But you need to cut your ties with Lilith. It may be the only thing that will save you right now Carl.

Lilith turned and glared at Anna, causing Anna to go quite quickly. "You're one to talk about saving lives. You're willing to kill me, just so you can be rid of me. I'm not as stupid as you make me out to be, Anna. I can read you like a damn book. What you think you have kept secret from me, you haven't. I see through your little act that has everyone else fooled. You want me out of your way so that way you can have Gabriel all to yourself. Newsflash you stupid pain in the ass. I don't want Gabriel. You can have him all to yourself."

"We both know that with you still walking around, that Van Helsing will never love someone like me. He will only be focused on being with you. At least with you dead and gone, I can stand a chance to be with him. He will learn to love me to get over your death. Don't worry though Lilith...while I hold him in a comforting embrace, I'll be sure to speak only good things about you; that way he remembers all the good qualities about you, and properly honor you, the way that you should be honored. Us placing flowers at your grave all while we speak fond words about you," Anna said.

Lilith walked over to Anna grabbing her by the neck in a tight grip. "You think you're hilarious, don't you? You honestly believe that I will be the one to perish today? That's cute. Sadly though you are mistaken. You see Anna, I'm not going to be the one that perishes in our little fight. I think I'll be the one to kill you. Then I'll go and aid my love in putting that wretched beast down once and for all. No use in keeping something as rabid as that damn werewolf, who is hellbent on killing his own master. Such a shame that it has to end this way."

"B-but it doesn't. I'm sure you can talk some sense into Dracula, and have him play nice with us. Hell, you can even get through to Van Helsing as well. I'm more than sure they both would listen to you," Carl tried to reason with Lilith, hoping that he was succeeding in getting through to her.

"How long? How long till one of you decide that we can no longer play nice together? How long before you decide that it's time for my love and I to die," Lilith asked not loosening her grip on Anna's neck.

Carl took a slow step closer, making sure to not provoke Lilith to snap Anna's neck. "We never said anything about you dying. Yes it was written in text as an alternative way to save the Valerious bloodline. But you already know that Van Helsing would never allow anything to happen to you. If you died, Van Helsing would be lost without you. He's used to having you around to argue with; even if he doesn't want to admit it out loud, he enjoys having your little arguments. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if you were gone."

"If that's the case, then you wouldn't mind if I slit princess pain in the ass' neck. You know just to prove that what you're saying is true," Lilith said.

"I-I would prefer it if you didn't kill the princess. You might run the risk of angering Van Helsing; and you don't want to go and do that while he's in his werewolf form. He's still new at being a werewolf and doesn't have control over it yet," Carl said hoping to keep Lilith from slitting Anna's throat.

Lilith looked from Carl to Anna and back again, before smirking at Carl. "So, you don't want any harm coming to the precious princess pain in the ass? Okay, you managed to convince me to not do anything to her...yet. Instead, I think I'll kill you first. I'll make sure your death is slow and very painful. I just hope for your sake that princess pain in the ass appreciates your sacrifice you're making for her. It would really suck if you sacrificed yourself for her, and princess pain in the ass doesn't appreciate your noble act."

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