Chapter 22

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Dracula gave Lilith a look. "What do you mean it wouldn't change a thing? Surely it would have done something to change our past together."

"It wouldn't have, because Gabriel was determined to keep us apart. He wanted me for himself," Lilith said.

"Well, let him keep trying to keep us apart, but he will never succeed in taking you away from me. He can find another woman to love. You are mine. I won't allow another man to take you away from me...not again. I'll gladly kill Gabriel if he tries to pull anything to take you away from me," Dracula growled out.

Lilith gently placed her hands over Dracula's chest in an attempt to get him to calm down. "Don't worry about Gabriel. He's not here to take me away from you. When he does come for me, he will see that I am yours. I don't want any other man but you."

"Gabriel might think that I had brainwashed you into saying that. But it doesn't matter what he thinks. He only wants me dead," Dracula said before he heard the ruckus with Van Helsing and Igor. Dracula smirked. "So, it seems that Gabriel has managed to find the castle. There is no doubt that he has brought company along with him. His friends aren't really that of my concern though. It's Gabriel who I want to speak to."

"And who is going to deal with his friends, while you're dealing with Gabriel," Lilith asked.

"Either Igor or Aleera. Possibly both. You have nothing to worry about my dear. I want you to stay here; away from all of the action. I won't risk Gabriel taking the chance to kill you and take you away from me again," Dracula said. "You are safe here in the room. Nobody will think to come venturing up this way. they will be too occupied with myself and the others."

"But I want to do something to help. I don't want to sit around bored doing nothing. I want to do something to help," Lilith tried to argue.

"I said to stay here! I won't risk anything happening to you again. I'm doing all of this to protect you," Dracula said.

"Who would protect you when Gabriel and his friends make the attempt to kill you? No one. Because Igor will run away like the pathetic little bitch that he is. As for Aleera, well she will be too focused on killing any potential competition that keeps her from being the center of your world. At least if you have me down there, I can help defend you," Lilith said.

"Like I said, I'll be just fine. I want you to stay here until I come back for you, my love. I'll even present you Gabriel's head on a silver platter as long overdue wedding gift for you. I promise it won't be long before I return with your gift my love," Dracula said before leaving Lilith alone in the room.

Lilith rolled her eyes while scoffing. That damn man is too stubborn for his own good. Does he honestly expect me to sit around in this damn room, while he goes and puts himself in danger? If he thinks that, then he's out of his bloody mind. I can't just sit around here waiting for him to safely return back to me. I simply am not a defenseless little girl like he thinks that I am. I will prove to my love that I am strong enough to defend myself against any danger that comes my way, Lilith thought to herself before sneaking out of the room, making her way in a random direction. "Hopefully I don't run into the little snitch along the way to, wherever the hell it is that I'm going."

Anna and Carl followed Igor as he led them to where the cure was being held. Soon they arrived to where the cure was. Igor went to take a step forward, only to be stopped by Anna yanking him back. "I will go first."

Igor just gestured for Anna to walk into the room, where the cure was being kept waiting until she was far enough in, before grabbing a hold of Carl and shoving him into the room along with Anna; before pulling the lever causing the door to come crashing shut. "You thought you could pull one over on Igor. But Igor pulled one over on you." Igor then shuffled away leaving an annoyed Anna and a worried Carl behind.

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