Author's note

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I want to thank everyone who has stuck it out with me through this journey in Dracula's lost love.  I want to thank everyone who commented, voted and added it to their favorites.  It truly means a lot to me as a writer so see that you guys enjoyed the story, just as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.  I do apologize for the long wait for the last chapter.  Again life has thrown some unexpected events at me.  But all is well.

Anyway, I know I left the ending open to a sequel.  I have intentions of getting that started.  But it will not be posted up right away because I have a few other stories that I have to work on.  That and I want to be sure that I can update at least weekly for you guys with the new sequel.  I felt that I had made you all wait long enough for chapters of this story to come out.  So give me patients to get a bit of the sequel started and I'll post up an announcement when it will be posted up.  So keep a look out for that.

Also, I have a question for you lovely readers who enjoyed this story.  I have an original work that I have been working on for quite a bit of time.  Right now it's in the process of being fixed up.  As we speak.  I have a majority of the chapters ready to go.  I'm just wondering if you guys would be interested in reading it.  It's a vampire story.  Almost similar to this one, but completely different.  If you all are interested in reading it, just let me know and I will post it up for you guys to check it out.

Thank you all again for the love and support.  Looking forward to writing more stories for you guys to enjoy.

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