Chapter 9

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Van Helsing lay on the ground tossing and turning, trying to keep the nightmares from plaguing his mind that night.

Van Helsing found himself wandering around a castle keeping an eye open for any sign of his partner nearby. Where the hell are you Lilith? You know better than to go wandering off by yourself, Van Helsing thought to himself. Van Helsing was pulled from his thoughts as he heard a noise behind him. In one quick motion, Van Helsing turned around pulling out his blades, prepared to fight, only to see that there was nobody standing behind him. "That's strange. I could have sworn that there was someone behind me. Unless the owner of this castle is playing tricks on me; trying to prevent me from finding my partner, which won't happen. I will find her and I will bring her back to where she truly belongs."

"You really think that you are going to succeed in taking my wife away from me? She's already right where she belongs," Dracula's voice sounded all around Van Helsing.

Van Helsing looked all around, only to stop and find his partner standing in front of him, staring at him. "Lilith, oh thank god you're alright. We have to get out of here before Dracula comes and takes you away from me."

"It's too late Van Helsing. I cannot be taken away from him. Not after he has given me the gift of eternal life," Lilith said before revealing her fangs to Van Helsing.

Van Helsing jumped awake while gasping for air as he looked around at his surroundings, trying to familiarize himself with the area he was in. Oh, thank god it was only a dream. A horrible and realistic feeling kind of dream, but still a dream, Van Helsing thought to himself, not realizing he woke Carl up when he jumped awake.

"Is everything alright? I've never seen you jump awake before," Carl said.

"I had a nightmare is all," Van Helsing said.

"You're going to have to tell me a little more than what you just told me," Carl said.

Van Helsing sighed knowing there was no point in hiding the dream from Carl. He would only keep bringing it up until Van Helsing talked about it to him. "I dreamt that Lilith had been turned into a vampire, after she told me that she had been given the gift of eternal life. She never mentioned the name of the one who gave her the 'gift' though. You don't suppose that is some sort of warning that I'm being given, do you?"

"I think you're allowing your fear that something happened to Lilith, mix with what you learned about this mission, and that created one hell of a nightmare," Carl said. "I don't suppose you're going to want to lay back down and get a little more beauty sleep, before we get a move on?"

"No, the longer we take to reach the village, the longer Lilith will have to defend it on her own. We can't leave Lilith alone to fend for a princess and an entire village all on her own. We might as well get a move on, so we can get there while it's still daylight. I don't want Lilith along a second longer," Van Helsing said.

"I figured as much," Carl said while getting up and making his way to the horse. Carl watched as Van Helsing gathered his things, loading them up on the horse, before climbing up on the horse himself.

Carl and Van Helsing rode all the way to the village, making no stops so that way they could arrive at the village sooner. Upon getting closer to their destination, both Van Helsing and Carl slowed their horses down.

"Aren't you in the slightest bit nervous that, something is slightly off about how there is barely any sun this way," Carl asked.

"It's nothing that I can't handle. I'm more worried about getting to the village, and putting an end to their constant nightmares," Van Helsing said.

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