Chapter 26

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Van Helsing thought about it for a moment, before deciding to speak up. "Let's say that we do try and make peace with you. How do we know that you won't do anything to go back on your word? How can we be sure that the both of you will be true?"

"I have been nothing but honest with you...well, as honest as I could be with the memories that I was given. But in all fairness, you cannot hold that against me. I was given false memories. The holy order wanted to keep my past a secret from me. Had I known anything about my past, you would have learned about it the very moment that we stopped trying to kill each other," Lilith said.

"I know. The Holy order did what they did to keep you safe. They didn't want you hurting over something from your past. They were trying to give you a chance to start over a new life. You can still do that; all you have to do is get rid of the man that you're with. All you have to do is kill Dracula and allow Anna to go free," Van Helsing tried to reason with Lilith.

Lilith shook her head at Van Helsing. "You know as well as I do that, I can't do that. If I so much as even consider letting princess pain in the ass go, she will only use it to her advantage and kill me. I don't see how that would work in my favor. So, unless you have a better offer, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline what you're offering."

"What if I offer not to kill you? What if I allow you to stay alive? Life for a life; does that sound like an even trade to you," Anna struggled to get out.

Lilith glared down at Anna. "What good is that offer, if you kill my love? You say a life for a life. It shouldn't be restricted to just you and I dear princess pain in the ass. It should extend to those who we cherish as well. Let's say you do kill my husband to be; then I get to kill the man who holds your heart in his hands, even though he does not reciprocate your feelings. What do you say princess pain in the ass? Are you willing to go along with that deal; or are you too afraid to take me up on it?"

Van Helsing shook his head no, hoping that Anna wouldn't make a foolish decision to save his own life. Van Helsing knew what Dracula had done to Lilith, to convince her that he was a threat to them. "Anna, really think about the decision you're going to make. Is it really worth it? Are you sure you want to make a deal with Lilith?"

Lilith glared at Van Helsing before hissing out, "You be quiet. This is princess pain in the ass's decision alone. She doesn't need your help in making a choice."

"Anna, please just think this through before you agree to anything," Van Helsing tried to reason again.

"One more word from you, and I'll make the decision for her. Now, be quiet and allow the princess to speak," Lilith snapped at Van Helsing before turning her attention back to Anna. "Do you agree to the terms that have been presented to you; or do I end both of your lives?" "One more word from you, and I'll make the decision for her. Now, be quiet and allow the princess to speak," Lilith snapped at Van Helsing before turning her attention back to Anna. "Do you agree to the terms that have been presented to you; or do I end both of your lives?"

Anna thought about it for a bit before she replied. "I accept your bargain. If Van Helsing, Carl or myself attempt to kill Dracula, you can do the same."

Lilith smirked. "Excellent. I'm glad to hear that you see things my way now. Are you willing to allow both Dracula and I to go and live our lives freely, without having to worry about you three hunting us own and killing us?"

"You know that we can't do that. You're evil, and we have to get rid of you both. As much as it will kill me to have to do so, I cannot allow you to go around killing innocent people," Van Helsing said.

Lilith was about to snap at Van Helsing, but was stopped when Dracula walked beside her placing a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down my love. Think about your words and your actions carefully. They could be the difference of us gaining our freedom, and us being hunted for the rest of eternity, or until the princess and the friar grow too old to help Gabriel hunt us. Prove to him that we won't do any harm. Allow the princess to go back freely to them. Besides, it will only be a matter of time anyway, before disease or something kills her."

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