Bonus! Part 1 - The Volcano

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Y'all out here scaring me T^T

"Stupid Kusuo left without even helping." Kuniharu Saiki is currently placing his robot action figures back inside of their display case. "He'll be a senior soon, but he's so inconsiderate. When is he going to grow up!" he complained.

Kurumi stood behind her husband smiling as she watched him organize his action figures. It's not very convincing when you're arranging your toys.

"Don't worry, dear. He can always go back and redo his junior year."

"That' true."

A large tremor started to shake the house knocking Kuniharu's toys over. "My action figures!" he wept.

As Kuniharu wept over his action figures falling once again you were currently lying in the grass in your backyard soaking in the sun. Flame walked by you and sat down, "There have been more earthquakes recently? Isn't that slightly abnormal?"

"The earth is always changing there isn't such a thing as abnormal."

"You know what I mean."

"Yes there has been, I like to lie down and think of them as massages." you giggled.


"You want me to burn your manga? I still remember when you sold me out to Saiko."

Flame felt a sudden chill down his spine. He glanced at the watch he drew on his arm with a marker, "O-Oh well you look at the time!" sweat trickled down his forehead, "Piko is probably waiting for me somewhere...BYE!" and he flew off.

"That's what I thought," you grumbled to yourself before snuggling back into the grass.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

You felt your nose twitch. Letting out a shape exhale through your nose thinking it was just an itch.

But then you felt something move.

You immediately opened your eyes to be greeted with a butterfly way too close to your face. You screamed and kindly yeeted the butterfly off of your nose. "What's your problem! Your wings may be pretty but I know the true horrors!"

The butterfly gave you a dirty look then fluttered away.

"What a nasty look from a bug I can kill just by-" you cut yourself off when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Looking at your screen, it was a text message from Saiki asking you to meet him somewhere.

You put the location on google maps and it seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. This is the exact type of message someone gets when either it's me who's gonna die or the sender is dead.

"If I die I die." You left a note on the kitchen table so no one assumes that you got kidnapped.

You quickly made a cloud cover and flew to where Saiki wanted to meet with you.

It took you roughly 20 minutes since you were feeling lazy but the location seemed odd. There were 2 holes in the ground with smoke coming out of them. Death by pollution? Lung cancer maybe?

"Y/n over here." You saw Saiki waving his hand up at you and you walked over to him.

"Hi, strawberry!"

"Hi, Cookie..."

You hugged him and he was stiff. "Got a broom up your ass?"

"No I was practicing with my powers and I took off one of my limiters. My body is still slightly shaky so I don't wanna hurt you."

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