Sleepover 🌙

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Sorry for the lack of updates I picked a babysitting job
Happy 4th of July I guess (I don't really like this country but I live in it soooooooo)

Bluffin ~ Khalid

Play the song if you want (if you do play it around the time y'all start dancing)
"Kusuo my son where are you going?" Kuniharu asked.

"A female homosapien that I know has invited me to an event called a sleepover."

"Is it a girl you like? Maybe she's already your girlfriend! Kusuo my man you were just like me when I was young. I charmed all the ladies and our mother was the best out of all of them. I can never love anyone more than my Kurumi!"

'I wonder how we're even related sometimes' Saiki thought to himself.

"Who would've known my son the man who avoids social interaction and hates humans is going to a sleepover! Kurumi come over here we must congratulate our son! He's going to a sleepover with a girl!"

"WHAT?!" Kurumi shouted, "Oh Ku why didn't you tell me earlier. I'll go with you to meet her! I must see my future daughter-in-law!"

"Mom it's not like that and no it's a secret spot. I cant share it with oh. Now goodbye." Saiki walked outside and right before he closed the door his mother shouted "Use protection!" This made him flustered.

'Why am I so flustered it's not like I like her it's just an inappropriate comment. I got to hurry before she doesn't give me any of her food.' The boy quickly teleported to the entrance of the grotto. He jumped down the hole and landed perfectly. Then you appeared hanging on the ceiling of the cave that led to the treehouse.

"Hey Saiki!"

"What are you doing up there?"

"I got stuck."


"Some things are better left unsaid."

"Good grief, the things I do for people."

Saiki quickly helped you down from the root that help you captive. Some dust then got up your nose and you sneezed a bit of fire.

"Did you just sneeze fire?"

"No I um had a match? See!" You then pulled out a random match out of no where.

"The doesn't explain how you lighted it. Even if you did why would it go out so quickly?" You started sweating nervously and this made Saiki suspicious. He had a feeling that you were hiding a secret. Since your were to only ones this deep in the forest he could hear your thoughts as clear as day.

'Way to go island guardian. He already knows about me being able to breathe in water but he doesn't need to know anything more than that.'

Yup. It was official he was invested in this secret that you were hiding. This whole island guardian thing was intriguing and so were you.
"Well let's go Saiki I have a special thing planned for later!" He nodded and followed you to the treehouse. "Hop on that plank there." You point to the plank that was about 2ft away from him. He did as told and then you cut a rope that brought him up to the 3rd floor of your tree house. "This is your room. Careful where you step."

"It looks nice, thanks a lot."

"No problem, I didn't know what color sheets you like so I got black since that's the color most people like anyways."

"Doesn't matter to me." Saiki put his bag done and looked around the room that was now called his. The room was about 6 times as big as his room back home. There was a chestnut colored wooden desk by the wall with a few candles and an oil lamp. There was a small raindrop chandelier on the ceiling and some beanbags in the corner of the room. A bookshelf was next to the bed that was filled while some comic books and philosophical books. There were a few empty dressers and a small closet. Finally there was a wall that was made of glass (it's one way guys don't worry) with a door that led to a balcony with with two lights attached to the walls and tiki torches at the other corners.

"The windows are one way but if that will makes you uncomfortable I can always put a curtain up if you want. Also feel free to bring whatever you like if you want to decorate the room."

"Thanks Y/n."

"It's not problem really."

"What are those dots on the ceiling?"

"You'll see at night time. "

(You would start the song around here if you're listening to it)

A few hours went by and the two enjoyed each other's company. They dipped their feet in the water and ate some cookies while talking about life and other random things. When the sun had set you got up. "Saiki follow me." You got up and walked to the back of the tree and started climbing. "Climb where I climb okay trust me it's worth it."

'I can't wait until he sees this!' You thought happily.

'It better be worth it if you have me climbing this tree. What a pain.'
Once you guys reached the top of the tree there was a little platform with railings around the edges and a gate to enter it. By the time you and Saiki reached the sun had set and the mushrooms, rocks, and some of the tree moss around in the area began to glow. The stars littered across the night sky were shining ever so brightly. It was a beautiful scene to take in. You walked up to a small radio that was there and turned it on and a slow paced song stared to play. You reached your hand or towards him.

"Care to dance?" you asked. Saiki didn't know what is was about you. But you were like a vortex bring him closer. He grabbed your hand and gave you a genuine smile.

"Shouldn't that be my line?" The two of you did a small dance. There was so real rhythm to it. It was just to two of you under the stars. He spun you around and you almost slipped. You quickly regained your foot and giggled it off. Surprisingly to himself Saiki was enjoying this moment. You didn't really pester him with trying to get him to say "Oh wow" you didn't force him to be motivated or go on about fake organizations. You were just you and he started to like that about you. When the song ended there was a moment of silence between you two. He looked into your eyes as they shone like the stars into the sky. Both teens were about to lean in when they caught themselves and stepped back.

"That was fun I didn't take you for a dancer Saiki." You complimented.

"I didn't even know I could dance." He replied. You silently thanked Mother Nature for the night because it was hiding you blush. Saiki was caught in a self argument with himself about what he was about to do. There was a comfortable silence between the two. You both looked over the railing at the glowing rocks and the illuminated waterfall.

"We should go to bed now." You stated.

"Yeah." You and Saiki climbed down the tree and walked inside at floor 1.

"Just follow those yellow glowing rocks to your room. Goodnight Saiki."



"Call me by my first name."

"Alright good Kusuo."

"Goodnight Y/n."

With that you used a platform to lift you to the 4th floor since you were tired. When you were out of sight Saiki teleported to his room and laid on the bed. The mattress was so soft he sunk in.

'This mattress makes me feels like I'm on a cloud.' He then looked up at the ceiling and noticed those holes he saw earlier weren't holes. They were tiny rocks that flowed at night like the ones outside. It made the ceiling look like outer space. The rocks looks like Galaxies, stars, and nebulas. Looking at the stars reminded him of the dance. Saiki was able to fall asleep with a quiet mind and peaceful surroundings.


I would've been able to post this chapter earlier today IF MY PHONE DIDN'T DIE 5 SECONDS BEFORE I HIT PUBLISH

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