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2 years ago.

"I'm sorry mama, it was a mistake!" I cried, hoping this was all a bad dream, that the past four months didn't happen and this was all a sick joke.

"Never refer to me as your mother again! I will not let some whore of a daughter stay in my house any longer!" She growled, tightening her hold on my wrist and pulling me even harder when I tried planting my heels on the wooden floor to slow her down, making me cry out in pain as my father silently watched from the kitchen.

"Papa, please! I'm begging you-" I was cut off by mama throwing me onto the floor beside the door and throwing my bag filled with clothes at my head.

"You and your bastard of a child are forbidden from entering this home again, don't bother calling or ever coming back."

"Mama! Why would you say that? This is your grandchild!" I yelled, standing up with more tears streaming down my face, looking to my father for some help, maybe even some comfort and was disappointed to find him staring into my eyes with a cold expression

"Papa, please. I can't abort my unborn child-" I gasped as my head snapped to the side and a stinging sensation spread across my cheek. My hand came up to cool it down and I looked back at my mother who had no regret on her face, only hatred. This can't be happening.

"That-that thing in your stomach is not and never will be my grandchild. You have humiliated our family and need to leave, get the hell out of this house!" My shoulders slumped, I give up. I picked up my bag from the ground, took one last look at both of them and walked out.

After spending twenty minutes walking around, clearing my head and trying to plan out what I was going to do, I decided to call my boyfriend, Ken, who was also the father of this baby and tell him the news.

It's okay, Nia, he will help you. He told you he loved you. Yes, he was mid-orgasm and hasn't said it since, but that doesn't mean it was a lie.


"Um, hey honey," Honey? What the fuck, Nia. Calm down.

"Nia? Are you okay, why are you calling me from a random number?"

"Ken, my parents kicked me out. I need a place to stay."

"What happened? I can't let you stay here."

"Why not? I need your help babe, please. I-I have news," Come on, Nia. just spit it out.

"What is it?" At this point, he sounded impatient, as if he was completely uninterested in this situation, like he didn't even hear me say my parents kicked me out.

"Ken, you got me p-pregnant."

I waited a couple of seconds, seconds turned into a minute, "Ken? Are you okay? Listen, I'm at the payphone that's at the end of my street, just come and pick me up so we can-"

"No, Nia, I can't do this."

No. No, I can't do this alone.

"Ken, please." Tears were starting to fill up my eyes again, he can't do this to me. "I need you, Ken. I'm begging you, please don't leave me to do this by myself."

"Listen to me, my parents will never let you stay with us, they never liked you, let alone allow you to ruin my life with this kid. You need to do this by yourself, sorry." There wasn't a drop of guilt in his voice.

My heart felt like it had been taken out of my chest and stomped on as I took in what he was saying. His parents never liked me, my family wasn't rich enough for them and they claimed I was distracting Ken from fulfilling his future, which was to take over the family business.

I couldn't believe this. I gave him all of me, all of my love and attention was devoted to him. Almost two years together. He took all of that and shattered it into pieces.

You can't blame him. Don't ruin his life, Nia.

"I gotta go now. This year was nice Nia, but not enough to make me drop everything and devote myself to you. I can send you money for an abortion, but I want nothing to do with you or this kid." Then the line went dead. It was two years.

As I took in what had happened today, what my mother said, how my father completely ignored my pleas and cries for help and Ken disregarding his child with those insensitive words, my mind and body went numb. We were alone now, this child and I. It wasn't even born yet and was already considered a stranger by the people who were supposed to show it nothing but love.

We were going to get through this, its deadbeat dad and idiot grandparents had the heart to turn us away with no hesitation, but I wasn't going to be weak. This is my child, I will give it nothing but love and care. We will be happy together, alone.

I dropped another quarter into the payphone and called the one person who I knew wouldn't leave me hanging like this.



6 months later.

I gasped and cried as my back started tensing once again with another contraction.

Shit honey, you're really killing me here. Please come out already.

Just then, Kara walked in with some ice chips and a spoon. "Here, these should cool you down a bit," She gave me a few spoonfuls and I already felt better, "You're doing great babe, just take deep breaths. Before you know it, your little boy is going to be in your arms." She smiled.

When my family abandoned me and my boyfriend left me helpless on the streets, I called my best friend, Kara, who I've known since grade school. She graduated last year and moved out on her own after saving enough money from her job, so she took me in with no hesitation. Without her, my son and I would probably be homeless on the street right now. He probably wouldn't even have made it this far.

"Kara, thank you so much for everything you've done for me." I looked at her with a sad smile on my face. I felt like a burden, she paid for all of my bills and never asked for anything back. I told her I could get a job or help around the house to pay her back, but her response to that was always, "Babe, you don't have to worry about a thing! I make enough money to support both of us and your kid, there's no need to worry."

That's when I asked where she worked and she gave me a wink and said, "That's a secret I'll never tell."

"You're welcome, Nia." She replied with a smile.

The doctor came in a few minutes later and checked the monitor before asking how far apart my contractions were. When I answered, he said the baby was ready and that we should start pushing. Oh, shit.

1 year later.

"Honey, I'm home!" I giggled at the sound of Kara singing through the house.

"We're in the kitchen," I answered, giving Alex another bite of his banana. Kara walked in and picked him up, smothering him with kisses after hugging him.

"How's my handsome little boy?" He gave her a cheeky little smile, making both of us laugh. She turned to me, "Do you wanna go to the mall?"

I nodded, getting both myself and Alex ready before we left, Kara locking the front door and holding my hand when we started walking down the hallway. She was very protective of me and Alex, like a big sister.

We reached the mall and started looking around for some clothes. I got a job a few months ago, insisting to Kara that I should at least pay for my and Alex's stuff if not for the rest and she finally agreed. I work at a little coffee shop four days a week in the afternoon because Kara's home during the day, her work requires her to do night shifts.

I was always curious about what she did, but wouldn't push her until she was comfortable.

"Nia, look, this is cute." She waved me over. I took Alex's stroller and walked over to her.

"I would say that was a successful shopping trip, don't you think?" Kara asked me as she put the bags into the boot.

"Yeah, I agree." I turned around to take Alex out of his stroller just as a car came speeding down the parking lot. No.

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