Chapter 48

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I have published and deleted this chapter about five times now and the reason for that is because my readers could not comment. I'm pretty sure the comments are working again, so people who have already read this chapter, please re-read because I wanna see your comments.

But if they don't work, I think I'm going to explode.


"Thank you, Matt." I smiled, "I'll take it from here."

After Callum left me in the office to go see William, I went over to the foyer to grab all of those boxes of clothes and other shit I bought. Matt came over and offered to help me, so I said yes.

"Anytime." He nodded. I thought he'd leave after that and turned around to start opening everything when he cleared his throat, catching my attention once more. I stood up straight, making sure to watch his body language in case he had anything up his sleeve this time.

"I just wanted to apologize, miss, for everything I said to you or about you." He said in an apologetic tone. I squinted my eyes suspiciously as he continued, "I don't know, I'm just not used to Rivera and Cash being boyfriends now. Work at the warehouse had been more stressful since they were busy training you and Walsh for a while and the work got piled onto us. I channelled it onto you even though I shouldn't have."

I nodded, easing my nerves and gave him a tight-lipped smile. "No worries, Matt. I'll make sure not to take too much of your boss's time anymore." I chuckled, "Thanks for apologizing, I appreciate it."

He nodded and I shrugged, "I'd apologize for shooting you but then I'd be lying."

We shared a short laugh then he left, leaving me and Miles to sort through the mess. "Okay honey, let's get started, shall we?"

I sat on the floor, pulling the boxes from actual clothing stores near me and admired how good my style was when I was drunk. After organizing them and placing them in the closet, I looked at the last five boxes filled with the sex toys I ordered as well, letting out a sigh to try and prepare myself.

When opening the first box, I couldn't tell if I was in heaven or hell. Laying in their boxes sat vibrators of different colours, dildos and a few butt plugs as well as floggers, blindfolds, restraints, leashes.

I pulled one of the leashes out, attaching it to my collar and gulped. I sorted through them, seeing that I bought a bunch of the same stuff just in different colours and separated what I would and wouldn't need, keeping a few stuff for Kara knowing how much she loved toys in the bedroom.

I gasped excitedly, remembering seeing the pair of handcuffs I bought that night and pulled them out. I smiled when I put one on my wrist. The soft, pink fluff engulfed my wrist gently but still had a firm hold, the outside covered in leather. It felt a lot better than a boring old pair of handcuffs.

When Callum was done, I'd show him everything and we could decide what we'd want to keep and what we didn't need.

Miles sniffed inside the box, I looked inside to see what he was looking at and my eyes widened in shock. Sitting at the very bottom was a large, veiny, gold-coloured dildo with tips on each end instead of what would usually be one tip and a pair of balls. I remembered it being something I had seen women use together in certain videos online.

Holy shit.

Callum's POV...

I left Nia in my office to go do whatever she needed to and walked by the dining room where Kara and Jordan sat on their laptops doing some work. He's been teaching her about business, she's doing courses online so in the future they can run his little empire together.

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