Chapter 34

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Over the next few weeks, everything was calm. After another week, Callum finally convinced me to start up training again, get my mind off of it and it helped. I was becoming less and less guilty, my nightmares didn't come around as often as they did in the beginning and I was becoming content with how things were going.

Kara and I supported each other whenever Callum and Jordan had to leave for jobs or meetings, we built each other up to be stronger like we always have been. I couldn't imagine going through all of this without her.

Miles and Dante were training on a regular again after Callum and Jordan reminded us what they brought them here for. At first, I didn't want to make Miles work that much but when I saw how much he enjoyed it, I decided as long as he was happy, I was happy.

Callum walked towards me, my hold on Miles's leash loosening when Callum pretended to attack.

"Attack!" I commanded. Miles jumped up with no hesitation and bit down on the glove Callum wore until I told him to sit down again. We repeated that over and over again with different scenarios until he was tired out and ready for a nap.

Then I started my training, first going to the knives and practicing my handling as well as throwing before going over to the shooting range while Callum went around ordering everyone around and Jordan and Kara were nowhere to be found.

Ever since the confrontation with Luke, the idiot that ran over my kid, no one dared to look at me. I don't know why, it's as if they think I'll wreck their cars if they even walk beside me. Callum had no issue with it, as long as no other guys talked to me, he was happy. But I wanted to build a relationship with these people, knowing they were apparently going to do anything they can to protect Kara and me if something happened to our men.

I shook the thought off and placed a set of earplugs in before picking up an M-4 Carbine and shooting out all of my frustration on the targets set up in front of me. A few shots were missed, but I was becoming better and better the more I practiced. I aimed for the head then the stomach, then the crotch for fun and laughed at the image flashing in my mind if I were to shoot a man's dick off.

"Hey, you ready to throw some combos baby?" Callum came up to me a little while later, changed out of his regular clothes and into a pair of shorts while I set the last gun I was shooting down, which was a SWAT mini K.

I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck while he rested his on my hips, "Yeah." I got on my tippy-toes while pulling his neck down closer to me and stuck my tongue out to touch his nose. He rolled his eyes and pecked my lips.

We practiced a few combos which were now longer and more complicated than before, "Ready? Punch, punch, kick, punch, dodge, kick, dodge."

I nodded, we started slow then quickened the pace until we moved slowly. He surprised me with a punch and hit my nose, I glared and pushed him. He smiled before we went again, over and over and over again until sweat glistened on my chest. I pulled my shirt off, revealing the sports bra underneath.

Callum glared at me, "Nia-"

"I don't care, let them look. It's not like they'll be touching anything will they?" I winked at him. He smirked and we went again.

We were in the middle of a fight when a thought crossed my mind, "Whatever happened to that Luke guy?"

I dodged his punch and gave a right hook to his face, he shook it off before we started circling each other, waiting for an opening to strike. "He's on the top floor, a floor I don't want you thinking about, let alone going to. Come on, focus now."

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"No. I already told you, I don't want you going up there." He muttered, grabbing my fist that went to throw another punch and pushed me back. I stumbled but regained my balance and let out a frustrated breath.

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