Chapter 65

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Go check out one of my highlights on my IG account @rtlovesbooks called TC to see some visuals of the characters. I don't think you'll be disappointed :)



Callum's POV...

For the rest of the ride, I had a smug look on my face as my thumb continued caressing her thigh through the jeans she wore. We'd be silent, minding our business then both have the thought to look at each other at the same time.

She'd teasingly squint her eyes, a grin on her face and then shake her head at me at what had just happened with the cop. I'd chuckle and she'd smile then join, we'd share a short laugh then go back into that comfortable silence with music playing on the radio.

Jordan called, asked me what happened since they drove by when the idiot had us pulled over. Nia went on a whole rant, complaining about how fast I was driving and gave me the stink eye throughout the whole conversation. I didn't mind it one bit.

Soon after, we pulled up to the warehouse. She straightened up, looking around curiously at the extra security standing outside. Looking down from every window were men with snipers, ready to shoot any intruders if they needed to.

Inside, there weren't many men around. I gave most a day off so that Nia could have the space to herself. Not many of them know what's been going on with her, how she is and it's going to stay that way. I didn't want to make it easy for anyone to have access to her again, only the most trusted ones would be able to get within ten feet of her, everyone else could fuck off.

"Look," I pointed at the big open area where the kids were training, watching as Nia's face lit up at the sight of them.

As if she sensed Nia's presence, Imani turned her head, her movements going limp and hands falling to her sides when she saw Nia beside me. I felt Nia's hand in mine loosen as she slipped it out to hold them out for the young girl.

Without wasting any time, Imani came running, catching the attention of all the other kids as she threw herself into Nia's arms. Her cries filled my ears, the sound making my chest ache as Nia tried calming her down, standing up with the kid in her arms, clinging onto her for dear life.

"Shh, I'm here," She cooed.

"Why'd you leave me again, you promised that you weren't going to go ever again?" Imani cried, sniffling and shaking. She had asked us every time we saw her when Nia was still in Dean's hands, asking where Nia was, why she wasn't joining us at the warehouse.

Over time, she'd just given up, tired of our excuses and barely looked at us anymore. She focused on her training, became dull and unhappy. It was hard enough on her when Nia left for rehab but when she had been taken so suddenly, it hit Imani even harder almost like she knew Nia wasn't okay.

"I know, I'm sorry honey." Nia sniffled, "But I'm here now, okay? Don't cry, it's alright."

Minutes later, the both of them were sitting down together. Imani sat on Nia's lap, her arms wrapped around her neck and legs around her waist while Nia rubbed her back, staring aimlessly at the ground with red, puffy eyes from crying so much.

I look over at the entrance and nod at my men who nod back and start pulling down on the installed chains to close the large garage door. It came down and closed with a bang as they locked the chains so no one could come in or get out. Jordan takes everyone's car keys from them, dropping them into a briefcase and locking it up before taking it into a room where I had a thumbpad installed so only he and I could get in. I look at Kara who nods, already having taken all the men's phones as well for precaution.

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