Chapter 5

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As I stirred in my sleep, feeling the comfiest sheets and blanket around and underneath me, I sighed in complete bliss. This was the best sleep I had in months. No bad dreams, no alarm clocks-

Wait. Where am I?

I shot up, looking around in confusion at the unfamiliar room surrounding me.

To my right was a chair that was underneath a table connected to the wall, above that was a mirror. There was a door leading out to a balcony that looked down at a long driveway that I wasn't able to see past. To my left were a closet and an open door revealing a bathroom. Then right in front of me was another door, it was closed but I figured it leads to the rest of the house.

The room's colours were all neutral, the walls were a light tan colour and the floors were hardwood in a light brown colour.

Where the hell am I? The last thing I remember was seeing my dad and then-

Callum. Callum killed my father in cold blood. He carried me out of the club, then I fell asleep in his arms.

As soon as Callum appeared in my mind, he appeared in front of me as well, standing in the doorway dressed in grey slacks with a black belt on and a white dress shirt with a grey blazer on top of that.

He looked at me, "Good morning." He acted like he didn't just murder someone in front of me the night before.

I pulled the blanket over my chest, using my arms to hug it thinking it would somehow protect me from him.

Then I panicked.

"Help! Please, help! He's gonna kill me!" I yelled as loud as I could, almost brought to tears when he walked up to the side of the bed.

"No! Get away from me, you murderer!" I screamed, trying to back away from him but was stopped when he grabbed my forearms and yanked me towards him.

"Shut the hell up, alright? Calm the fuck down." He muttered, forcing me to look into his eyes.

I immediately shut my mouth, my bottom lip quivering while I tried not to cry. My mind started to race with unanswered questions. Is he going to kill me too? Did he kill Kara? Where is she?

Thinking about what he could do to me, what he has done to me and what he could've done to Kara, I couldn't do anything but panic really.

He threw me back down onto the bed then walked back over to the door.

"You and your friend Kara saw something you shouldn't have last night. I have no choice but to keep you both here till I know for sure you won't go running your mouth." I went to object but he didn't give me the chance, "Be down for breakfast in five."

I rubbed my temples, my head starting to pound with all these overwhelming thoughts. Then I realized I was still dressed in the lingerie and sweatpants from last night. I grabbed my bag which sat on the floor and dug through it, grabbing a white tank top and throwing it on the bed.

Pulling Alex's blanket out, I kissed it and snuggled with it for a few seconds before neatly folding it and putting it back in, beside his onesie.

After taking the lingerie off and sticking it into my bag, I realized I didn't have a bra, nor did I pack one. Callum would be able to see my nipples. Oh well.

I shrugged, they're just a pair of nipples. If the guy can't handle that but can handle killing someone in cold blood, then he's weak.

He really did in fact kill my father. The thought, the memory brought tears to my eyes, a couple of them rolling down my face. But I couldn't have a breakdown so I took a deep breath, brought myself together and left the room.

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