Chapter 23

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The next morning, I woke up with a sore clit and thighs. I turned to look beside me where Callum was usually sleeping, but his side of the bed was empty this time. I sat up and listened for any sounds coming from the closet or bathroom, he wasn't there either.

I turned to my bedside table and picked up my phone that had two notifications.

9:37 am

Callum: Morning baby, we're out for some business. You and the girls can go shopping today if you need anything, your card is on my bedside table. We're having a party tonight, you and Kara have to work until everyone leaves, no exceptions. See you soon.

Me: k.

The first text was from Callum, the second was from Kara an hour later.

10:40 am

Kara: Good morning gorgeous. Get ready then come to the front door when you're done, we'll just eat at the mall.<33

Me: morning<3 ok, be down in an hour.

Kara: Wear black. I want to match today.

Me: kk.

I walked over to the bathroom and washed my body and face then brushed my teeth and headed into the closet to pick out an outfit.

Nothing too revealing, Nia. Don't want a recap of last time.

Then I texted Kara and Jasmine that I was ready and we all met up at the front door after I grabbed what I needed.

"Jasmine, you look. gorgeous!" I exclaimed when I saw her.

She blushed, "Thank you, you guys look beautiful. You always look so put together even after everything you've been through. I mean, not like you should look bad or anything, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Babe, calm down! You're fine, we know what you mean." Kara laughed.

"Pretty outfit, Jasmine. But I could've sworn I had that same outfit in my closet, couldn't find something more original?" Bella's voice came from behind us.

"No, Bella." Jasmine laughed, "Remember, you said you thought this outfit was yours and accidentally took it from me. Isn't that what you said to me when I saw it in your closet the day after we went to the mall together?"

Jasmine's comment sounded like it would be an insult, but from the genuine look on her face, I'm pretty sure she really thought Bella claimed that outfit to be her's on accident. Bella glared while Kara and I suppressed our laughs.

"Okay, no worries. Let's just go." Kara moved on, leading us out the front door.

" Kara moved on, leading us out the front door

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