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i'm getting really fucking tired of people picking and choosing when they do or don't like my book. what is currently happening has been hinted at several times throughout the book in the past.

i'm tired of ignorant readers acting like they have a say of whether or not something happens in my book or not. this is not ur book, this is MY book that i am planning, writing and publishing for YOU. literally the only thing i get out of writing this book are the smiles and laughs your comments give me.

with all the respect i've given to my readers, i never expected some of them to give this type of shit back. it's sickening, it's annoying and it genuinely makes me want to unpublish and re-write the whole book then change everything that you people didn't like just to satisfy you even though i promised myself in the beginning i would write it how i want to no matter what anybody says.

during all of this, i have let comments where people say they don't like what happened get to me and change what's happened in the plot multiple times. what is currently happening was always going to happen, it was planned out in my head to happen when i first started this book and i never thought it'd be one of the plots that people would make me doubt.

i'm seriously done with some of these people, especially the ones who were writing disgusting, insensitive comments last chapter. have some fucking decency to be respectful in authors books when they are giving you the chance to read what they have spent HOURS writing for you to read.

i don't even know what to say, i just needed to get this out because it is so incredibly tiring having to be an author and bite my tongue to stay respectful towards people who really don't give a shit.

my book is a dark romance, it is in a mafia setting. what else did you people expect? i told you several times to read the tags, check the TW and you still read, think and comment that same dumb shit as if i hadn't warned you guys.

i don't even know what else to say, i'm an emotional wreck right now who came to wattpad, reading and writing as an escape. now i feel lost, hurt and so weighed down with all of this pressure on my shoulders i never thought i'd have when writing for people who i thought would be like a family to me.

for those who've stayed supportive, trusted me when shit hit the fan in this book and never had a single doubt, i love you. make sure you all are eating and staying hydrated.

see you soon angels, whenever that may be >3

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