Chapter 17

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In honour of this chapter, which is the Chapter we left off on before this book was taken down, I will now be revealing the amazing reader who made this possible. @peasosweet_ I am so thankful for you, if it weren't for her this book would not be where it is today and it wouldn't be as amazing. I also thank everyone for the support and hilarious comments I get to read on a daily basis, it's comforting knowing some people out there actually care for me. Enjoy the chapter, my queens.


After landing in New Jersey, we headed to a hotel down the street from the airport to stay in for the next few days. Kara and Jordan got one room and Callum and I got the other.

"This hotel's beautiful," I said in awe, looking out the view that showed sky-rise buildings all around us and loads of cars and people on the streets.

"Tell Jordan that, he owns it."

"Of course he does," I laughed turning around and sitting with Callum on the bed where he was sending emails through his phone.

"Why aren't you strict with Rocko and Mary like you are with all your other employees?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "They practically raised me."

"Oh," He's never told me about his parents before, not even mentioned them.

"Can I ask about your parents?" I scratched the back of my neck. The question could've easily triggered him, but luckily he just sighed and set his phone down.

"You don't have to say it if you're not ready," I said, getting comfy beside him.

"No it's fine, I'm more worried about you crying than myself." He teased.

"Hey, I don't cry that much," I mumbled unsurely.

"Yeah, you do. But it's okay." He rubbed my thigh before adjusting himself to sit up.

"My father was really abusive when I was younger." He explained as my face fell in shock. "To me and my mother."

I nodded my head, encouraging him to keep going.

"When Jordan and I came home one night from work and training, we heard yelling coming from my parent's room. It was never that bad or loud, so we went to go check it out." He took a deep breath before continuing, "When we got there, my dad was standing over my mom and beating her really badly with his gun. He was punching and kicking her head even though she was already unconscious."

I pulled the blanket up to my chest for comfort, my heart was beating faster as my mind raced and breathing became unsteady.

"I grabbed my gun and shot him in the head." He looked at me, studying my face for a reaction. But all I could do was watch him with a blank face, trying to make sense of what he just told me. He's been through so much.

"And your mom?"

"She was taken to the hospital but wouldn't get any better, so they pulled the plug." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry." I ran my hand over my face, trying to cool down my burning hot skin. I felt sick. "I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, my mom wasn't any better." I decided not to ask him about that part, he's told me enough about the abuse part.

"How old were you?"

"Eighteen, Jordan was only fifteen." I gasped and brought my hands up to cover my mouth.

"Why was he there?"

"He lived with us." He said, "Jordan and I met when he started middle school. He was being picked on, so I helped him. He was my first and only friend because the kid just wouldn't leave me alone after that. But he grew on me." He let out a chuckle, staring into the distance and reliving the memory.

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