Chapter 59

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I shifted uncomfortably on the hospital bed, now dressed in a gown that replaced the hoodie and sweatpants Jordan put on me a little while ago. The disappointment when they asked me to change was evident on my face. That hoodie wasn't mine, I knew that for sure but it made my body feel nice.

The comfort it gave me with the way the hood covered my neck from the cold wind or how my arms felt so small and warm from the humongous sleeves engulfing them, protecting them. It was like someone was hugging me, yet there wasn't. And the sweatpants made me feel like curling up into a ball and going into a deep, long sleep from how thick and warm they were.

Then the smell. That smell, the one that filled my nose with a smoky, tobacco aroma. It was crisp, aromatic and clean. Strong. It was strong but not overbearing. It made me feel protected when dressed in those clothes, the first set of clothes I was blessed to wear for the first time in three months.

I was allowed to put them back on after the doctors ran their tests. I don't know why they needed so many, I wasn't hurt. Well, I didn't feel hurt.

So many people, so many voices surrounding me. I hadn't seen this many people in so long, in person. I got to hear them, see them face to face without having to look through a small window.

I felt overwhelmed, nervous. I couldn't stop thinking about master, about how everything changed so quickly, as quickly as it had changed when we crashed into that tree. Pookie noticed when I came back from the bathroom dressed in the gown. When I laid back down on the bed, he took my hand in his. I set it on my lap and kept my eyes on the rings he wore, twisting them around on his fingers.

It felt familiar, it made me feel calm and comfortable. But I thought I already was comfortable in my master's home. A few minutes with Pookie threw all of that out the window and that fact made me feel guilty.

I removed my hand from his and kept my hands to myself. He sighed but didn't say anything.

The nurse came back with a doctor a few minutes later.

"While we wait for your tests, do you feel comfortable with us doing a pelvic exam, Ms. Seymour?" The doctor asked me. I looked at Pookie, waiting for him to answer.

"Do you feel comfortable with that, Nia?" He repeated.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Yes," I nodded in a quiet voice. Why wouldn't I?

"Okay, I'll be outside." He said, walking out as the doctors started getting things ready. I made eye contact with the nurse and quickly looked down, forcing my attention on my hands where my fingers were slightly shaking.

"Could you please spread your legs, Ms. Seymour?" The doctor said, sitting on a stool and going to sit in front of me.

"When a client tells you to spread your legs, you spread your fucking legs, do you understand me?" He yelled, "Don't be a difficult little bitch, now we lost one hundred dollars because of you! You're lucky they're even paying this much with the state you're in. Refuse to give them what they want again and I'll fucking kill you."

I spread them apart and screwed my eyes shut, fisting the fabric of the hospital gown with my sweaty hands.

"All done, honey." The doctor told me what felt like hours later, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, ignoring the few tears that had fallen past my temples and into my hair and forced a smile at her. She gave me a pitied look and a tight-lipped smile before leaving with the nurse behind her. I turned to my side and cradled my stomach with one hand while the other came up to my mouth, trying to keep my cries quiet.

A hand touched my head and brushed my hair out of my face with its thumb. I quickly wiped the stray tears and opened my eyes. Pookie was sitting in front of me, a worried look on his face as he studied my features.

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