Chapter 49

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Callum's POV...

I woke up with a giant pit in my stomach this morning. My father's will is being sent over today and we're finally going to find out what the truth is.

Did he want me to get married? Did he want me to mess up so all of his business, all of his money would go to William? Was he really that cruel that he'd wanted all of this shit to happen and blow up in my face?

That's what we were going to find out.

Please dad, please. Just this once, have my back. Be there for me and have it written in your will that everything comes to me no matter what. For once, show me that I was the one you thought about, not him.

I threw a random pair of sweatpants on, followed by a grey t-shirt and walked out of the closet. After kissing Nia, I patted Miles on the back while placing his collar and leash on.

"Come on, buddy." I gently tugged and he stood up, stretched out his legs then followed me out the door.

We started running down the street, my core tightened, my legs starting to burn as we started going uphill.

"No. If you kill me, you have to tell him the truth. You have to tell him everything. Are you going to put that trust in him, tell him everything even after he left you?"

His words from yesterday rang through my ears, making my heart race even faster as my chest heaved. I tried blocking him out when random black dots started filling in my vision.

"He'll never believe you, Callum. He knows you'd lie for some power. He'll just think you want more control, that you're greedy for some more money. What, you're going to go tell him that I touched you for all those years and you just did nothing about it, you didn't defend yourself or anything? No, he won't believe you, I've explained that to you already, no one will believe you."

I slowed down to walk, feeling a weird ache in my head that made me crouch down, holding it in my hands then finally let myself sit down on the sidewalk. My heart ached, my head pounded and my limbs felt weak.

"For once, think with your head. Not your weak, innocent heart, Callum."

I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't do anything. A ringing sound filled my ears, blocking out everything, including the sound of Miles's tired breathing beside me. He nuzzled his nose into my hands, forcing them out of my face and started licking. I faced up to the sky and inhaled, feeling the fresh air fill my lungs then exhaled, slowly letting it out to calm my nerves.

He'll never believe me.

I stood up and decided to just walk back home, taking large gulps from my water to calm the fire ignited in my core.

"Goddamn, let's just run away buddy." I looked at Miles, who jumped on me in excitement. I chuckled, "What do you say? Wanna go to Mexico, take a few months off?"

He barked and I looked over at the gates of our estate, letting out a sigh. "Who am I kidding? I couldn't leave your mother even if I wanted to. Besides, you're a snitch. She'd find out before I even book the plane tickets."

I placed my thumb on the tiny screen beside the lock and the gate flew open. I closed it and made sure it was locked before letting Miles off the leash so he could run around some more given the fact that ours was cut short.

"Miles!" I called as he started running towards the pool, "No pool!" He growled and I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Go." He continued and jumped into it. The door leading into the kitchen opened and Dante went running towards the pool as well, jumped in and they both started playing together.

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