Chapter 22

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The next morning I woke up with a certain lightness filling up my body. I felt supported and strong, I felt like the old me was locked into the back of my mind while the new me flourished.

Callum slept peacefully beside me even after the misery he put me through in the last twelve hours.


I stood up and stripped out of my pyjamas before getting into the shower. Images from last night filled my mind, I looked down at my two hands that managed to kill someone. Given that he and his friends were going to hurt us eased my mind a bit. But the horrifying memory that kept replaying in my mind of the bullet shooting into his skull, splattering his blood on the wall, his body falling at my feet and blood pouring out of his head.

It was too much, way too much for me to take in and just be at peace with. I felt guilty for acting like I had been the victim in this situation when this man's life was taken away from him even though I knew he wasn't good, he doesn't deserve pity, he doesn't even deserve a second thought. His presence in this world should be forgotten, but I couldn't get myself to do it, to just move on from what happened.

My eyes stung with more tears, a headache forming from all the pressure being forced against them with all of this crying.

"She's too weak. This will toughen her up."

She's too weak. Nia's too weak. I'm too weak.

I need to toughen up.

I quickly rubbed the tears off of my face and took a couple of deep breaths. Toughen up.

Forcing a smile onto my face, I finished washing my hair and body before going into the closet to pick out an outfit for today. When I finished up and headed to the bathroom, I looked over to Callum who was still asleep and contemplated smothering him with a pillow.

Sadly, he just looked too pretty for me to do that to him yet.

I put some concealer and false eyelashes on to make myself look presentable before putting on some lip gloss. After checking myself out in the mirror, I was satisfied and looked over at a still sleeping Callum.

"You look so peaceful." I stood over him and smiled, "Pity."

Then I jumped on top of him, making him wake up in shock. He blinked multiple times before looking straight up at me, confused.

"What the hell are you doing?" He groaned.

"Oh, don't tell me you forgot, Callum!" I exclaimed, sitting up. He blinked and said nothing.

I rolled my eyes, "Your girlfriend's coming today! Bella? Ring a bell? I can't wait to meet her."

Anger filled up inside him as he grabbed onto my neck and flipped us over.

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