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"Just dig your face into a book rich boy!" A boy shouted at me, I gripped onto my book and let small tears fall down my face. Everyone keeps messing with me because I'm rich and I read books, they want me to act mean to people but all I wanna do is read books and live life.

"Aw, he's crying! Nakamoto Yuta is crying!" Another bully pointed out then that's when everyone in the hall laughed at me except for one person, a small black girl she was standing there with a scrunched face and balled up fists.

She then wave at me and I smiled a bit but I stopped when I got pushed down onto the ground. "You don't get to smile, choose!" The boy yelled. "Choose what?" I asked while wiping my tears.

"Be a rich bully or a bookworm!" He auctioned, I didn't say anything I just sat on the floor with tears falling down my face. "Leave him alone!" The little girl's voice shouted.

I smiled a bit before trying to stand up but I got pushed down onto the ground. "Don't move!" The boy demanded, I sighed before tightly gripping onto my book.

"Leave him alone, come on Yuta." The girl said before helping me up but it took time because she was younger and smaller then me. "Don't touch him!" One of the boys said before pushing me down but I stumbled onto the little girl a bit.

I looked at the girl and she manically smirking. "What's wrong?" I asked, she then cry loud as heck. It's a diversion, smart girl. 

Everyone then scattered and teachers came running out to see the bullies still standing in front of us. The girl then started to cry louder than before, I covered my ears while the teachers ran up to us.

"What happened, Yuta?" The teacher asked. "They pushed me and her down on the floor." I say with a small weep at the end. "You're bullying Yuta again?" The teacher asked, I slightly looked over at the girl and she was smirking at the bullies.

So she's crazy? I like it.

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