Chapter 19

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Carlos showed me rest of the house. I saw there are two rooms in the corridor where I went. The first one was his bedroom, then there was a comparatively smaller room which was also a bedroom. Carlos told me it's a guest bedroom.

I wonder when he had the guest room who uses the penthouse. I thought it must be used by his guests. I mean why he has a suite in his house, for whom. Does anyone used to live there? I wanted to ask Carlos but couldn't gather the courage especially after being blamed for flirting with Carlos, it's better that I talk lesser with him.

There was a small staircase, at the intersection of hallway and the dining area, climbing that stairwell we reached a room at the landing. Carlos told me it's his office and study. I walked in and saw a big desk with a black leather office chair. A sleek grey laptop was kept on it. The wall opposite to the desk had a seven monitors that were turned off at the moment. There was a teal bluish grey book case with lots of books. The room had big windows all round like the living room. I closed the door without spending much time in the room.

We reached downstairs and there was two step up to the dining area. It had a ten seater dining table. I wonder if there are ever ten people to eat. I mean as far as I know he lives alone. The dining area had the glass doors that opens into the backyard. I reached it but those doors were locked too.

I have already seen the living room so we avoided that and moved to kitchen, it was an open kitchen, twice the size of the penthouse, it had a wooden interior and the rustic chandelier has increased its beauty.

"Signora, I am sorry, I can't help you. I dont know how to cook. But you will find everything required in the refrigerator" He said pointed at the double door refrigerator just like the one at my Father's house, with an apologetic smile. I smiled back at him. I checked the refrigerator, not that I am sure what I am going to cook. I was hell nervous. I barely learned how to cook a decent meal and now I have to cook for Don and family. I don't even know how many people are coming. God what will happen if I spoil? Hell, what all is expected? Do I have to cook in courses and shit, "Fuck!" I muttered under my breath. "Signora you said anything?" Asked Carlos as he stopped. I shook my head in a no quickly and he left giving a thumbs up for good luck.

I looked at ingredients in front of me with my hands on my waist. "What shall I do with you all?" I thought and ran my brain wires remembering all the Italian dishes I had at home. Also since the TV got working I have seen my cooking videos on internet. Thank God for that. I figured some atleast.

It's been an hour and till now I was able to put together a decent looking bruschetta and pesto salad with meat balls and mozellera cubes for appetizers. I can cook lasagna so I have that set up in oven for the main course. I was making mushroom risotto which is looking okay but God knows how it is. I also made spaghetti with arrabbiata sauce, and a chicken skillet. Now the problem was dessert. I can't make tiramisu, and I don't know any other Italian dessert. Every dinner hosted at my Father's place had that.

I thought if we can order that so I went to the gate to ask Carlos. He was smoking with the other guard and got up immediately seeing me. He crushed the cigarette bud beneath his shoe before coming inside the foyer.

"Signora, you need anything?"

"Um-um I-I don't know how to make Tiramisu. Can we order it from outside?" I asked without looking at him, I don't want any of my word to be considered whorish and that I am drooling on him. "I don't know Signora, Boss never prefers take outs." He said. "Oh" that's strange. "Who cooks everyday for him?" I asked not seeing any maids or cooks. If he don't order take outs or eat out, how does he eat.

"That's none of your business" came his stern voice making me jump before Carlos could reply. "If you can't cook Tiramisu, put together whatever you can for dessert." He said blankly and I nodded.

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