Chapter 45

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He slowly put his gun down. He was still breathing hard. His eyes waived from Carlos lying in front of him to me. He kept looking at me. His eyes were screaming sadness and his body was emitting seething rage. I can see his anger in the way his chest was heaving up and down, breathing fast. His hold on gun was too tight turning his knuckles white.

He let out a grunt and left from there descending the stairs to his gym. I saw Sabrina was dumbfounded. I nodded at Dan to take care of Carlos and he called the other guards who took Carlos from there. "Dan take Sabrina to her brother for tonight" I said and he nodded. "But Sage, you will be alone here and he, what if he do something to you. No I will stay with you" she said coming closer to me. Worried that I will be the next prey to his temper. "Sabrina, he won't hurt me" I said, I don't know to her or to myself. "Have you seen him, he has gone crazy" "Gorgeous I think I will talk to him and don't worry Sabrina he is just angry. He will let it out in gym and he will be fine. Don't worry" he said trying to convince her though what she had just witnessed I doubt anything could convince her.

"Dan. Leave" I said as he was about to go down in the gym. "But Sage, are you sure, he is really angry" he said "He is not angry Dan, he is hurting." I said and I know he knows it too. He needs me right now. Sabrina can't handle him, atleast not at the moment. Dan nodded and turns towards Sabrina and she was still adamant to not leave. "Sabrina, please. He-" I turned towards the gym as the voices of punches being landed on leather and his grunts started coming. "He needs me right now." I said to her and Dan held her from her shoulders "Let her handle it Sabrina, come Charlie will be amazed to see your new look" he said trying to lighten up and she nodded. She might be stubborn but she knows when to stop questioning. Sometimes she just gets it. "Take care Sage" she said and left with Dan.

I reached the gym and he was punching his boxing bag. He was all sweaty and out of breath. His knuckles started to bleed.

I reached him and held the bag and he stopped just before his punch would have landed on my hand. He looked at me surprised as to what I am doing here. I tried to hold his hand and he turned around dodging it.

I moved closer to him and and placed my hands on his shoulders to hold him. I placed my face on his back. He was so still and so was I. I slowly applied pressure on his back with my fingers to massage the stiffness of his shoulders and neck. I continued it for few moments. He didn't say anything but I could feel his muscles relax a bit. 

He turned to me breaking my movement and I slid my hands down his arms to his hands and held his palms in mine. I took him in the gym shower. I took the brass circle hand shower and the water started pouring over his head from the hand held shower. I brought my other hand to his hair and then slid it down to his neck, to his chest. I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He didn't say anything, neither did I.

I hung the shower head above us and brought my hands to his shoulders, I pressed my hands on his shoulder blade muscles again to massage them more. He was looking at me and I at him without saying anything. The only sound was the water spraying from the shower. The water was dripping from his hair and from mine. I kept massaging him and he seems to relax a bit more. I picked his shampoo from the shelf and pour it on my hands. I massaged his head while washing his hair. I watch him close his eyes as I pressed on his temples. Guess he is having a headache too. I kept massaging his head, neck and shoulder blades. When his body seems to loose its stiffness, I picked the shower head and washed the shampoo off his hair, carefully wiping it off before it reaches his eyes. Though he kept his eyes closed so it wasn't a problem. I brought my hands to his chest drawing circles with my fingers. I looked at him keeping the shower back in place. I could see how beautiful he is. Often his eyes keep me trapped in them but right now with his eyes closed I could see how long his eyelashes are. He has a perfect jawline, looks like he hasn't shaved in days. His hair were on his forehead. Wet with water dripping off them continuously. I kissed his forehead and he opened his eyes. I moved my lips kissing his nose and brought them to his lips. I kissed him and he kisses me back. His hands reached my hair and mine were around him.

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