Chapter 39

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I knocked at Sabrina's door and the ajar door opened. "Hey, can I come in?" I said and she was pouting and sitting on the bed curling her hair on her finger.

I came inside and placed the breakfast tray at her bedside chest. "Here, stop sulking and eat it. Nothing will happen to you or to Charlie" I said to her with a smile.

"How can he ever threaten me for him. What did I even say, I just thought that what he is doing will increase your pain, and he cares so much about you and then he said so bluntly without thinking."

"Look Sabrina" I said holding her hand. "I told you to not wear yourself off with this. Concentrate on your relationship and in your husband's defense he threatened you not your brother." I said with a light chuckle to lighten her mood but didn't work so I added "He won't hurt him" "You always say this, but I don't understand this thing that you two have" she said frustrated. "You say I should concentrate on my life but you still live here. You are a part of my life atleast until I am here. I need to understand this" she asked. I let out a sigh and got up. I moved to her window searching for the words to explain her. Explain her something that I don't understand in the first place.

"He has a different perspective when it comes to me. Look for him I am not his wife, like you are, or his friend like Dan."

"Then what are you to him?" She asked and I looked at her. How to explain something like this to someone who don't know the codes and rules this lifestyle is made of.

"For him I am just his toy. Something he has his ownership on. So it irks him when someone tries to tell him what he should do with me"

"I don't understand" she said.

Welcome to the club sweetie, I thought.

I reached to her and sat in front of her "Ever had a Doll when you were a child?" I asked her. "Yeah an old doll mom brought from the donation box one day." She told me "You liked it"

"Yes I did" she told me "Tell me about it" I said. "How you used to play with it?" I added to explain her my question.

"I named her Poppy. Because you know she just popped up in my life one day" she said chuckling and I laughed a bit too. "I used to dress her up by making small dresses with my mom's old dresses. Used to take her with me to play everywhere."

"Ever someone else tried to take Poppy from you or tried to tell you are playing with her wrong?" I asked her

"Yes, that cruel Diana, she hated me and always used to steal my doll, and make her wear dresses she made."

"Does that use to annoy you?"

"Uggghh a lot, it was mine and she- " she stopped understanding where I am going with this. "But Sage we were children and it was a literal doll, you aren't, why you let it happen with you?"

"Sabrina, things are not always as simple as they look. Our past make us into what we are today. You saw lots of struggles yourself you have your way of dealing with it. He, he....Sabrina....the world he lives in is very different from the world you live in. He had a dark childhood, darker than yours or mine and that has taken away his empathy. The only thing he knows is to never loose the control and he had that on me. I saw him revel in it, in the fact that he owns me. Understanding his obsession is not easy, and I don't expect you to, I just want you to let him have it. Like I do. I let him have this control over me because I think it's better this way. Don't interfere in it. Look you are such a sweet girl, and you are doing us a big favor. You don't know how important this child is. Thank you so much for doing this. But I want that as long as you are here, stay happy. Don't let the darkness of this world take the light of yours."

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