Chapter 32

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A month and four days have passed since Matteo's wedding and we haven't heard about Eve's pregnancy, which is a good thing. I prayed everyday since then that Eve doesn't gets pregnant. I understand that Matteo will stress her on it but atleast he won't kill her in a blink of an eye but Azriel will.

All I want now is to get pregnant. At any cost, I need this child to come in the world quickly so that Azriel could be the Don.

Everything is pretty much the same. Dan still comes everyday and I still do all the housework. We are having sex too every night and he still doesn't think it's important enough for both of us to be naked. He still don't feel the need to take off his shirt. It was just that one night it felt different. I felt alive. It didn't rain after that night. The season got more cold now that the winters are coming. Azriel keep bringing the woods to keep the house warm. He looked so irresistibly hot when he chops it at the backyard. Though he doesn't know that I ogle him from the penthouse window sometimes when I am cleaning. I laugh at myself that I still don't understand these emotions. I don't know what I feel for him. The one thing I am sure is that I need to get pregnant before Eve or he will kill her and I can't let that happen.

So here I am praying to get pregnant and I am guessing I am as I sit in the bathroom waiting for the stick to turn the color. Good thing is my mother packed these pregnancy test kits along with birth control. Though I don't need birth control but these came in handy.

I haven't told Azriel because I am not confirm yet. I don't want his hopes up for nothing and it's just three weeks since I missed my last period.

Finally two minutes are over and I looked at stick and it changed the color. That means positive, right? I sat on the edge of the tub with tears continously flowing my eyes and I was laughing. For the first time in all these months I felt happy and just then my laugh turned into tears because I didn't want to be a mother at such young age and I am sure as hell I never wanted a child like this. I don't know I should be happy for Azriel or sad for myself.

I came in the living room after composing myself. Azriel was there sitting with Dan and I reached them.

"I-I need to see a Doc-doctor" I said because it's always better to be 100% sure before celebrating.

"What happened? You okay? Are you hurt?" Azriel asked coming closer to me. He was looking at me searching for any injuries. "No I am not. I guess I-I am pregnant" I said holding up the stick.

"Oh my God, are you serious. Really that's awesome" Dan jumped at hearing this and lunged to me to hug me and I stepped back avoiding that. I remembered what Azriel said on Matteo's wedding. I know he is his friend but if he can get offended on my father touching me why he won't on a friend.

"I think we should confirm with the doctor first. You know for 100% surety, sometimes home tests are not right" I said and Azriel nodded.

"I will get the doctor" he said and my heart broke a little that he won't take me out. I just nodded and went back to our room.

In almost an hour Carlos knocked at my ajar door and came in with a doctor. She greeted me with a soft smile. I know her, Dr. Martha, she works in the hospital where my mom used to go for her injuries.

"Hello Mrs. Rivers" she said pleasantly. "You don't have to call me that Dr. Martha, you know me since I was a kid" I said. Her mother did my mom's C-section when I was born. She just started medical school then. She gave me a light smile "Yeah but you aren't a kid anymore and I don't want to piss off Shadow by disrespecting his wife" she said with a light laugh and I gave her a smile. She did her tests and said "Come, escort me outside, won't you?"

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