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so my brother and me both play the piano
i love it, him... not so much

see, he's at that phase everyone who plays the piano seems to kinda go thru where he doesn't wanna play anymore

and my mum's favorite argument for him to continue is that it'll attract girls - or guys

of course my brother did not like thatwhen she told him and basically expressed that it was a shit argument

well, and then she continued that he'll be happy about it at some point cause everyone will want to have sex at some point and the piano apparently attracts people

she then kinda went on about that? like... he's gonna want to fuck someone and that playing the piano is apparently attractive

i mean she did say girls or guys which is nice for inclusion and everything but like

her basic argument was invalidating asexuality

(guess i really am gonna need that powerpoint about asexuality at some point)

which made me very uncomfortable

and cause we were eating / had been eating in my case i asked to leave the table

cause uncomfortable (especially bout sexuality) = urge to go to my room and block out the world

of course my dad's comment on why i wanted to leave didn't make it better cause he joked i was gonna watch porn


so basically my family really needs some education about aromanticism and asexuality which i'm not really willing to give up my place in the closet for

(wow, this did really help)

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