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an excellent show

it's pretty easy to bingewatch and has great characters! so if you haven't go watch itttt

k, so
i've been searching for memes about it for a meme book i have on my other account

and it's great, there are some really funny memes!

but my problem is that at least half of them ship sherlock and john

like, nearly everyone in the fandom ships it
but i'm just vaguely uncomfortable with it

and it makes me feel kinda bad, because this ship gives so many people joy and representation and they relate to it

but the thing is, sherlock is one of my favorite (and most popular) aroace headcanons

so it just feels very wrong to me to see him as anything else?

and it makes me kinda sad that many ... gestures? are interpreted so weirdly

like "he said he'd die for him, that's nothing a friend does!" or "they're family? it must mean they're in love! no one counts their friends as family"

idk, i just think it's sad how friendship is completely disregarded in that way

if that makes sense?

edit later:
i just noticed that it's basically the same with good omens

like,,, everyone's always like "the slowest of slowburn romances" and "they're very gay and very in love" and stuff like that

and it just,, feels wrong to me
which makes me feel kinda bad
because it brings so many people so much joy

but like,,, i really love them as Best Friends or maybe in a queerplatonic relationship

because that's just so good to me?

also i just kinda headcanon them both as aroace
(because I Project probably)

and it just makes me really happy to see them with these headcanons yanno?

but almost everyone seems to ship them romantically

which makes me kinda sad

and that then makes me feel bad about like,, dissaproving with people's joy

oh well

btw! anyone else looking forward to the second season of good omens or is that just me?

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