Coming? Out??

820 62 64

Yanno, lately i've been thinking about coming out to my parents way too much for someone who's too scared to actually do it

like, i've found so many ideas

i could just send them a picture of a pride flag (aro or ace or both or...) and ask them if i can get it
and then see how it works out

bonus: i'd maybe actually get one which would be great

or i could make a cake
which is nice because i love baking and also cakes are ace culture
i'd just make a cake with a pride flag in it (like,, colored with food coloring), write them a quick letter explaining it and then vanish bc human interaction? wouldn't recommend

and then just leave it up to them to initiate talking about it
just act like it never happened till they ask about it

or i could actually put that powerpoint i still haven't finished and add a slide saying "that's me btw."

but at the same time i'm really scared

i don't think they'd react too badly but especially with my dad i'm kinda scared that he'll be like "you're too young to know" "you just haven't found the right person yet" "asexuality isn't real" yanno?

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